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59. Having a chat

58. Lazy morning

57. Waking again

56. Back to bed

55. Jon wakes

54. Biff wakes

53. Going to bed

52. Getting ready for bed

51. The rest of the game

50. TV Dinner

49. Boys clothes

48. Men's clothes

47. Night in

46. Work, Friday

45. Daycare, Friday

44. Friday morning

43. Work, Thursday

42. Daycare, Thursday

41. Early rise

40. Makeup

Having a chat

on 2021-08-11 11:54:58

654 hits, 85 views, 1 upvotes.

Herm MC Part Swap Super

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Biff crossed his legs tight, high above the knee. He felt no discomfort with this way of sitting, no longer having anything in the way down there. He leaned back a little and put one hand down on the bed. He felt very comfortable around Jon now and thought nothing of his breasts being on full display, nestled snugly in the bra he was wearing.

He gathered his thoughts for a minute before saying, "Oh Jon. What are we going to do? These changes have gotten worse. I mean look at me now. My face is different, my hair is long. I've got these big boobs on my chest and a pussy in my panties. This whole situation is messed up. And to top it all off I have to get all dolled up tonight and go out for a girl's night out. And while I'm out, my actual girlfriend is coming over to babysit you. Even if she knew who I really was it's not like I could do any of the things I used to do to her. I loved every inch of her body but now I'm almost a match for her. If anything, my boobs are bigger." He finished up with a big sigh and his shoulders slumped.

Jon sat up and sympathised with Biff. He placed his smaller hand on Biff's thigh and started to say something but stopped himself fairly quickly when he heard the gibberish coming out of his mouth. Jon took a deep breath and got ready to try again. He would have to use small, simple words to have any chance of being understood.
He spoke slowly and carefully picked his words, "Mommy sad. Me sad too. Want Mommy happy. Big change. Me too. Don't want diaper. Want potty. Big girl. Big boy."

Biff smiled at Jon. He was proud of him for making the effort and while he was not happy with his own situation he had to admit Jon had it bad too. He couldn't speak properly, he was treated like a baby by everyone but Biff. And he didn't seem to be able to go for a few hours without using his diaper. Biff reached over and gave Jon a big hug. He pressed Jon into his chest and Jon could feel the soft material of Biff's panties with his toes. His foot moved across the front of the panties. This would have normally made Biff pull away to protect himself but he had nothing to worry about in that respect anymore.

They stayed hugging for a while. When Jon heard Biff start to cry lightly, Jon's emotions got the better of him and he started to cry a little bit too. After a few minutes Biff pulled away and wiped a tear first from his cheek and then from Jon's. Biff said, "Look at us. Sitting here crying like a bunch of girls. Like two big babies, no offence. Crying never achieved anything. We need to get dressed and make the best of this situation."

Biff stood up and picked up the dress he had picked earlier. He scrunched it up and put his head and arms through before letting it drop down around him. It clung to his new curves, swelling around his cleavage before tapering in around his waist and kcinging tight to his hips and butt. He picked Jon up off the bed and carried him towards the door. He was going to dress Jon and fix some breakfast for them both. They could then decide how they wanted to spend the day.

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