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64. Dinner in the restaurant

63. Pre Night Out

62. Bad babysitter

61. Good babysitter

60. Biff gets ready

59. Having a chat

58. Lazy morning

57. Waking again

56. Back to bed

55. Jon wakes

54. Biff wakes

53. Going to bed

52. Getting ready for bed

51. The rest of the game

50. TV Dinner

49. Boys clothes

48. Men's clothes

47. Night in

46. Work, Friday

45. Daycare, Friday

Dinner in the restaurant

on 2021-08-13 14:48:04

683 hits, 76 views, 1 upvotes.

Aware Inanimate Magic Musc NBM SciFi Super Unaware

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Biff decided there and then to stop worrying and at least try to embrace his feminine side. He felt the night would go much easier if he stopped resisting. He admitted to himself that he was starting to feel different. He felt less aggressive since the loss of his penis. He could see the value in the softer side of his life. He enjoyed feeling sexy and being on the receiving end of attention for once. The way his clothes showed off his body made him feel good. He was a woman now and he could find less and less reasons to deny that. He thought back to how he felt in bed last night, fantasising about being filled with a penis rather than just his fingers. He didn't know if he was completely ready for that but he could at least start to explore the idea. After psyching himself up like this he decided to just follow Laura's lead all night.

Laura had finished her wine and had hopped up off her bed. She grabbed both of Biff's hands and pulled him up too. Something he was sure would have been impossible for her in his old body. Laura was giddy from the wine and the excitement of a night out with her friend and Biff found this to be contagious. The two ladies made their way downstairs, giggling away to each other. Tom was standing at the bottom of the stairs with Rachel in his arms, ready to see them out. Laura walked over to him and embraced him with a kiss. Next she turned to Rachel and gave her a kiss on the cheek, promising she'd see her in the morning. Biff wished them both a good night and followed Laura outside to the Uber that had just pulled up. They sauntered down the driveway, arms locked together in friendship and to support each other on the uneven ground.

They got into the back of the uber and sat, chatting away as the driver brought them to their destination. They pulled up outside a fancy restaurant. Laura had booked them a table and insisted it was her treat so Biff didn't argue. They waited at the hostess station and a young girl, not more than 22 greeted them and lead them to their table. Biff studied the hostess as they walked through the restaurant. She was very attractive dressed professionally in a white blouse and tight black skirt. Biff found himself admiring her clothes more than her body and noticed that she didn't excite him sexually as she normally would have. Biff and Laura sat at their table. Laura ordered a bottle of wine before they even opened the menu. While waiting for their wine they continued to chat and read the menu. Biff didn't know what to order and so decided to just order the same as Laura which turned out to be a salad to start and a grilled chicken main.

When the salad was put down in front of Biff he started to eat it, cutting small pieces at a time and taking delicate bites. He hadn't even thought to do this, it just happened subconsciously. Laura was doing the same and Biff started to relax, no longer worried that he would look out of place.

The main course followed the salad and Biff, with his reduced stomach, actually found it hard to finish. They had just finished off the bottle of wine and Laura suggested they order one more glass each to have with their dessert. She ordered a chocolate mousse for herself and Biff asked for the same. As he took his first bite, he couldn't believe it. This was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. He moaned quietly to himself as he took his second bite. The moan was a low, sexy moan and he had to stop himself from moaning again but luckily Laura saved him the worry by giggling loudly at his enjoyment.

They finished their desserts and Laura asked for the bill which she quickly paid. Full satisfied they both stood up and walked arm in arm out of the restaurant and headed down the street to a nearby bar.

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