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8. Jon uses his Index Finger on Z

7. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

6. Jon uses his Pinkie Finger on

5. Testing the wish on Zoe

4. Testing the wish at home

3. Jon's Decision

2. Moral Issues (remastered)

1. You Are What You Wish

SS: an interesting thought

avatar on 2021-08-21 11:34:38

1443 hits, 185 views, 4 upvotes.

Body Swap FTM Herm Inanimate Musc Part Theft Size TF Unaware

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Okay, maybe it was a bit mean testing on Zoe like that, but it sure was funny.

While waiting for Zoe to finish up in the shower, he made his way back into his bedroom and got dressed ready to go out and help Karyn, but while getting ready he had a thought, he doesn't need to be himself to help Karyn!
Jon must have spent longer than expected pondering the possibilities of this idea, as he heard Zoe's bedroom door slam, meaning she was done with the shower and presumably getting ready to meet up with her friends.

Jon knew he had to work quickly, rushing out of his room he sprinted downstairs, grabbed Zoe's 'goth boots' from by the front door and ran them to the back door, dumping them on the doormat.
Then span around and ran back to his bedroom, to wait for Zoe to leave.

It was 10 agonising minutes waiting for Zoe to finally leave her room.
"Hey Jon! I'm heading out with Ath and Zel, make sure you tell mom." shouted Zoe.

Jon's plan was a go, he sprung up from his chair and peeked around the door, seeing Zoe just start to make her way down the stairs.
Pointing his index finger at her, he whispered "Give me that body and clothes."
Suddenly he noticed he'd lost about a foot of height against the doorframe, and he could feel soft fabric gripping to his legs, and a weight on his chest again that was pulling him off balance.
Stumbling out into the hallway, he mumbled an "oof", quickly covering his mouth caught off guard by it being in his sister's tone of voice.

"Jeez bro", quipped Zoe in Jon's voice, "learn to fuckin' walk some day." continuing her way down the stairs to the front door. "Hey, have you seen my shoes?" she questioned, again in Jon's voice, but clearly with her normal catty speech pattern.
"I think-" Jon hesitated at the sound of his sister's voice leaving his lips, batting a lock of long black hair from his face as he shuffled over to the top of the stairs, where he could see Zoe, "uh, you left them by the back door."

Speaking with his sister's voice was really throwing Jon off, so thinking quickly before Zoe disappeared into the kitchen, he raised his index finger to her again, and whispered, "give me that voice."

Watching his own body jog off down the hallway to the kitchen out of sight, Jon made a few test noises to check he did have his own voice back. "bleh bleh woo glah" yep, that's much better he sighed.
But then he realised he didn't know the scope of the clothes swapping, he might soon see his body strolling out the front door wearing his sister's clunky black goth boots.

Jogging down the stairs Jon hit an unexpected problem with his plan, with the unpleasant tugging of his sister's boobs bouncing up and down with each step. "How does she deal with these all day?!" Jon grunted, fiddling with the bra straps.
Turning the corner and continuing his jog toward the kitchen, he grew even more annoyed with the jostling of his chest. No wonder Karyn wants to get rid of Sarah's melons, they're like twice this big and I can barely deal with this... he thought, before catching sight of his sister, in his own body and clothes, putting on his ratty trainers.

Well the shoes swapped then, that's a relief, but I'm not dealing with these all day Jon thought, raising his index finger once more to Zoe. "Give me that bust size and bra." he whispered, feeling the weight immediately leave his chest, once again throwing him off balance backwards into the hallway.
Managing to steady himself narrowly before falling onto mom's fancy ornament display, he caught sight down at himself, his sister's black t-shirt was surprisingly fitting snug against his now flat chest, and below that her dark grey ripped denim cutoffs and black leggings hugging his hips.

"Sheesh Jon," Smirked Zoe, appearing in the hallway, "you been drinking? Hahaha".
"No-" Jon started before seeing his body smirking back at him, the front of his shirt now clearly holding some boobs, and the bra straps barely visible on his shoulders. "Just get outta here, ya jerk." he feigned a smile, trying to process the sight of his body, with his sister's voice and boobs taunting him.

Zoe darted past, and quickly shot out the front door, slamming it behind her.
"That was surreal.." blinked Jon, making his way into the kitchen to leave a note for mom to say where they're going.
Even writing a note was different, Zoe's smaller hands made the pen feel larger than usual and it took a few attempts for the note to be legible enough to not have Zoe making 'Jon was drunk' jokes all evening.

But finishing up the note and leaving it on the kitchen table, Jon made his way back into the hallway to find some shoes.

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