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31. Iridescent Stars: Daughter of

30. Iridescent Stars: Living in th

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26. Iridescent Stars: Living in a

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Iridescent Stars: Daughter of Spiders

on 2013-12-13 20:11:45

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Shawn had never been so scared in her life.

She was in a forest of some kind, at the mouth of a cave. She was naked, alone, and afraid. The spider-girl wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to climb up one of the trees, but she was so unused to her legs and each attempt just made her stumble.

"Stupid legs! Stupid body! I hate this!" she screamed. Why did she have to be naked? Why!

The spider-girl didn't suffer much from the elements, but this was so serious! She didn't know where she was, and all her possessions were gone. She had absolutely nothing, not even any clothes. Glancing at the sun, she figured sunset would be just an hour away. Then what would happen? Would she be 'eaten'?

Shawn looked into the dark cave. It was probably the only place she could go for some shelter... but what if... what if something else was there? Something... horrible...

With little choice, and great trepidation, she scuttled into the cave, her small breasts bouncing lightly at the motion. She had to get out of this situation... she just had to!

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, and remarkably she found she could actually see pretty well.

Who enters my cave

Shawn gulped. Did she imagine... that? "I..." she couldn't see anyone but an instinct made her look up at the roof of the cave. There, she saw a much older spider woman, that looked to be in her thirties, and dressed in impressive dark silks and clothing. Something about her looked so dangerous that Shawn was already scuttling backwards before even thinking it.

Quickly the larger spider threw a line of web across the exit, trapping Shawn inside. The young spider-girl tried to brush past it, but the silk was so strong... then the other spider threw more of her silk and binded Shawn's eight legs. "D-Don't eat me..." She said pitifully as she leaned back slightly.

The larger spider inched closer to the younger, smaller spider. "Do you worship the gods, little one?"

Shawn swallowed. What would be the best answer? Gods? Shawn wasn't really that religious but she was finding herself praying now. "S-sometimes," she said quietly.

The larger spider made a somewhat dismissive gesture. "Zeus... poseidon, Selene...Athena! Are these the gods you worship little one? Answer me!"

Shawn was almost crying. "I- I don't worship them no! Please let me go!"

The larger spider looked to Shawn... "If I remove the web... you must not run away... understand?"

Shawn wasn't really sure what was going on, but agreed. The large spider-woman then carefully cut the threads with but a careful flick of her legs. The way she moved them was so impressive to the younger spider girl that she stared.

"Since you do not worship them... I suppose we are allies. Do you know me?"

Shawn shook her head.

"I am... Arachne."

Shawn gave another blank look. Was that name supposed to mean something?

Arachne rolled her eyes. "Urgh... I suppose it was too much to hope that my name would be known even across two ages of Earth..." The spider-woman said. "Come to my inner chambers little one. We have much to talk of. What is your name?"

"S-Shawn," said the young teen.

"That's... a strange name for a girl," thought Arachne. "Times have certainly changed..."

Together they went into a deeper cave, that had a huge spider web for a floor. Looking down, Shawn felt dizzy... it was like staring into the abyss. "H-How far down... does that go?"

"Miles and miles... you will sleep before hitting the ground..." Grinned Arachne. They went inside a very warm, comfortable central chamber. It almost looked like a living room, made from various web constructs. "Well now, I suppose I should tell you my story. I was a woman of Earth.. human... I suppose you must have been human once too?"

Shawn nodded, and the reminder of once being human made her look down at her naked body with a cringing look.

"Do not fear your appearance child... would you like some clothes?"

Shawn thought back to the 'guardian' of this world. "I... I was cursed so that I can not wear anything unless it was made by... my own silk," said Shawn appreciative of the offer though.

"Ah... the price. Yes... always the price, to be in this world. No matter. You are with the greatest weaver of all... I will teach you."

Shawn looked very appreciative of that. "Why are you here Arachne?" She asked.

"The gods cursed me child... I wanted to be better then the gods. I was the greatest weaver of any mortal... and indeed, I was close to achieving a godly status. The gods however, prevented my ascension. Proud they considered me. They were spiteful and cruel... Athena cursed me. Then the new age came, and people as me could not exist... I did not wish to give up my quest to become a god... so I am here."

"Where are we exactly? Are we on Earth?" Asked Shawn.

"Yes... and no. Actions here have consequences to Earth. Spin a web here, and it might exist as a web on a forest somewhere... I often wonder what my large home might exist as, on Earth. If indeed, it is still around.." Arachne looked saddened a moment.

"Can... we go home?" asked Shawn. "I was on a plane... and... I have a family... they... they probably miss me." Shawn was gutted to think she would be here forever. She had also been rather mean to them, after her transformation. Now she would give anything to go back... even as a spider girl.

Arachne looked sadly"... the only way back, is by attaining god-hood. I am close to it Shawn... very close. But you could be the one that tips the scales. Those of us from Earth always come here with great power... and potential."

"What do I have to do?" asked Shawn.

Arachne smiled. "Be my daughter Shawn... do exactly as I say, at all times... and together, we could even take revenge upon the gods that put us in this situation."

"I don't want revenge!"

Arachne looked coldly. "I was like you... once. I was 'nice'... until that day... I sense it in you. the 'unfairness' of the world pressing upon you. You were changed... and I can tell you, it was all the doing of the gods... but here, in this world, we can become gods. real gods... just as they did... I need you Shawn... be my daughter..."

"I'm not a girl damn it!" Shawn suddenly spat.

Arachne blinked. That was... probably the most unexpected sentence Shawn could have said. "You're... not?"

"No! I'm a boy! Not... a spider... girl... thing!"

Arachne looked at Shawn again. "The gods are... certainly behaving strangely in this age. It matters not. You are what you are here... I am your only way back to Earth, but you must play the game with me. We'll both become goddesses in the end... you will become my divine child... and then... all that you could want, is yours. Maybe even a way back to a form you prefer..."

Shawn sighed. Given her circumstances it didn't look like she had much of a choice. "...okay... Arachne."

"Call my mother," said Arachne with an almost 'glowy' look about it. She seemed rather happy of it.

"...mother," groaned Shawn.

"Wonderful. Now... let me show you how to weave as only my true daughter can..."

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