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75. Iridescent Stars: The choice,

74. Lucas, the Game Show Host...

73. Iridescent Stars: The chess bo

72. Jon gets to see the worlds...

71. Iridescent Stars: The church o

70. The door in a tree.

69. Lilly and stacy's search

68. Iridescent Stars: A new life

67. Iridescent Stars: Jen's Event

66. Iridescent Stars: Five years p

65. Agent Hawkins Should Be Promot

64. Iridescent Stars: Military res

63. How Far Can She Go...

62. Iridescent Stars: Tour of Base

61. Iridescent Stars: DnD Rule min

60. a big girl in the big city

59. No, She Is Not Perfect...

58. Iridescent Stars: A nasty time

57. Iridescent Stars: Light and wi

56. Lucas Makes a Decision

Iridescent Stars: The choice, the dream, the life

on 2014-05-21 18:57:43

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General Milco Makepeace knew, he didn't have a choice. It was either a horrible monster that looked like it was writhing in agony... or a fairy. Even he knew it wasn't really a choice, and these beings- whatever they were, forcing this 'choice' upon him as if he really had one... it was not fair. He didn't want to be erased from existence either.

"I'll pick the fairy," he said wearily. Maybe it wasn't quite what he though it was? Maybe the fairy represented freedom... or even flying magic? it didn't actually mean he would turn into a fairy... right? There was another bright flash of light... and the general disappeared.

"So, that just leaves me then" Said Lucas, her eyes drifting across the empty chessboard. "You mind telling me who you are? What any of this is? Or are you going to be enigmatic weirdos about it."

The two guardians.. the Black and White looked at Lucas. "You already know who we are," They said in unison.

"I do? I can tell you I don't. This whole place is filled with..."

"Concepts?" Said the White guardian.

"Ideas?" Said Black.

"Archetypes?" said White

"Primes?" Asked Black.

Lucas looked between them. "Tweedledum Tweedledee?"

The two looked blankly at the angel. "If that is what you make of us, that is no more a lie then the truth..." said the White Guardian.

The black guardian gestured to the chessboard around them. "We play the game... we are just as much part of the game as you. We are not the players..."

Lucas looked around folding her arms. "Game... right. I get it, this is all some kind of game to you. There are rules, and that means there are winners and losers. So what do the losers get?"

"Erasure," said the Black guardian. "Depending on the circumstances. We can remove an individual's existence, from either the physical, mental or temporaral... as far back as what you call the big bang."

Lucas's wings flared outward at that. ".. not comforting. I can't be erased, I did a bit too much you know. The Earth, that planet I saved? The one that's replaced your entire sky at the moment?"

"Such is true," said the white Guardian. "Perhaps why you are a special case."

"And what does the winner get?"

"A wish." said the white guardian. "Depending on what is achieved, a wish can be requested... and it will be done."

"A wish... you mean like the wishing stone?"

The black guardian looked amused at that. "She does not know where she is..."

The white guardian seemed to sigh. "The nature of this universe can not be explained, it can only be discovered... just as all who enter it in their own ways, overcome the challenges set... they can all earn a different type of wish..."

"Fine... so what sort of wish?"

"Anything," said the black guardian. "The wish can affect the entire.... Verse... you can decide the basic concepts... the rules of life, and death itself... the very form life might take at it's basic constituents... You can decide what is remembered in the past... or completely change the very nature of time and space. Fundamental Numbers... can be altered."

Lucas suddenly turned wide eyed. "This... wouldn't have anything to do with the magic girls... would it?"

The White and Black guardians seemed to multiply themselves around Lucas, taking the form of pawns... hundreds of pawns, marching towards her. "It has..."


"To do with...

"The magic girls."

Lucas found herself back in the forest. "So... what's my challenge?"

"Help me!" Screamed a little voice.

The angel bent down amused. "Milco! Hm.. wardrobe problem?"

Douglass was quite content in his life. He was married to a nice harpy girl, and had two children. A boy and a girl, named Steven and Michelle. He named his daughter after his co-worker, that strange robot girl whom he had struck a really good friendship with.

The days when he thought Michelle- the gynoid that is was taking over his life had long gone, and the world carried on as normal. He had gained promotion after promotion, until he was practically running the company. He would come home and the children would get whatever they wanted... as if it was Christmas, every day.

... though they only really wanted to see more of him.

Life was by and large, perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Janine, his wife, was cleaning the house using her wings like a feather duster. Dougless really enjoyed watching her move. For a while she had worn clothes, but now Janine was quite content to be naked. Her feathers covered everything... some people thought it very strange that a human would be attracted to a harpy, and often wondered just how they made it work.

...still they made it work quite well.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked Janine as she cleaned another side of the room, dusting over some photographs.

"I'm trying to clean this corner, but every time I do this spider keeps putting up another web."

Dougless frowned a bit and looked. "Oh- well it's just a spider web. It's always been there." For as long as he could remember, his house always had a spider web there... it was a bit strange now that he thought of it. The man smiled as he watched his harpy-wife bend to get at the web, her curious multicoloured tail-feathers poking out... her feathers were like... a rainbow.

His children had different feathers. His daughter had feathers made of white snow, and his Son's were ashen black as a raven. He thought they looked wonderful, and knew they would grow into alluring adults someday.

this isn't real...

"Did you say something dear?" Asked Douglass looking around. Did he.. hear something?

"No.... oh- I think I got rid of that spider web," she said with a smile as she dusted her feathers. "So what's your plan today? A vacation spot on the moon perhaps?"

Douglass grinned. "Well you know how 'exclusive' the Moon Guardian is, but I think I can convince her again to let us stay for a few days." There was something about seeing the entire Earth... almost like looking at a mirror? People saw themselves in the Earth but to Doug it felt... more then that.

this is just a dream

Doug glanced around again. What was that voice? It sounded like somone from the past but... no, that was just a dream.

try to remember... the witch Arachne, placed a spell on us. This is the dream.

Doug looked at his perfect life... his wonderful family.

"Is something wrong Doug?" asked the harpy-girl concerned. "You look a bit ill... do you want to lie down?"

"I- Yes," said Doug warily. "Sorry... I'm not sure. Maybe I just need a warm bath."

"Sure, I'll have dinner ready soon. I got your favourite," she smiled.

Doug went upstairs to run a warm bath. He was feeling a little stressed out now, as he looked at the curious soapy water, and the strange hues of light. Life was so great, he had money... a wonderful family, respect from his colleagues, and his dear friend Michelle Madison.. she's been a wonderful colleague for all these years.

How could this not be real?

You're really a girl... you're Gaia, said the voice.

Doug groaned as he sunk into the soapy water as if to drown out the voice. "I'm not a girl," he said quite adamantly. "I have a wonderful family... " Why would he even think that?

All life is your family... you have many children That voice... it sounded like the moon girl? Who was she.. where was she?

"I can't be a parent to 'all' life," said Doug. "I mean- that's just crazy!"

yet it is true... you are the part that is both her child.. and Gaia. That's why you are so confused, and why the spell has held you. Please... you have to let it go...

Doug looked up. Why was there another spider web in the corner of this room? It did seem like there were spiderwebs everywhere, but he never saw an actual spider.

There was a knock on the door. "Doug? Dinner's ready. The kids are already waiting for you."

Cliff- the neko-girl walked into the forest with the human and 'mostly human' a little after her. She was brushing down her dress, as her tail flicked behind her. It was... annoying to say the least. She was always aware of that tail, as if people's eyes were drawn to it and her lower back.

"So how have you explored the forest Cliff?" asked Leslie.

"I... had some help. I guess I can show you now." She gestured to the bushes. "Come on out please Esmerelda."

A very similar looking cat girl suddenly appeared from the bushes. "Hey Cliff!" said the new cat-girl excitedly.

Cliff looked at her character, so similar to the body she now had with those strange green eyes. "Er... please meet Esme. I created her. I guess."

"You... created her?!" Asked Bryan. The young girl looked incredulous at it.

"Well- yes. Actually it's complicated."

Esme grinned. "It's really weird helping my god- er- goddess out doing things that I can do with ease."

"You do look very similar to her," noted Bryan. "You're so short... like halflings." she couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah, we're sisters," said Cliff. "And... we got another sister. Somewhere."

"How is this even possible?" Asked Leslie. The elderly man stared at the two of them, like they were warped mirror reflections. But while Cliff was withdrawn and unsure of herself.. this other one was full of confidence. But if she was a creation, it made sense that it would be somone that Cliff would like to have been like?

Cliff blushed a bit. "Well... she used to be a very recent character I made... that died. In a game of dungeons and dragons?"

Esme nodded with a giggle. "Not exactly something I can remember though! Apparently I was some pretty bad ass warrior mage 'dude'? At least that's how Cliff put it."

"Yeah, but... I didn't put a soul in you. The person you are named after, Esmerelda... 'did' have a soul. She was my first character I ever made... but... I never finished her story."

"So here I am now!" giggled Esme. "And because her backstory- 'my' backstory includes two other sisters, Cliff became one of them... and there's another! We're all a happy family!"

"Quite incredible," said Leslie. It was incredible how... a person could be 'integrated' into this world. "And what of the strange humans that live here? What can you tell us about them?"

Esme looked to Cliff then nodded. "Well, they call themselves the Eyeceli," she said. People from your world... are called the Ohsoli, and are considered gods. Though... Cliff has been telling me that isn't really the case."

Bryan looked unsure at that. "How far is it to this temple?"

"We have to go pretty deep into the forest... Don't worry, you got two of the greatest neko-guides in all existence!"

Cliff coughed slightly. "Esme, you best lead us... seriously, I can't guide us out of a paper bag. I don't even know how to use this body."

"You're my sister! I'll teach you!"

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