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89. Morgana's weave

88. The life of Anne of Earth

87. Snake Woman...

86. Iridescent Stars: Night Time

85. Lucas and the General Reach an

84. Iridescent Stars: Foils drawn

83. A Camp Is Found...

82. Iridescent Stars: Arachne's Ke

81. Iridescent Stars: Another time

80. Hikari's workshop

79. Iridescent Stars: Brad's story

78. Iridescent Stars: Rebuilding t

77. Iridescent Stars: The wonderin

76. Iridescent Stars: To the templ

75. Iridescent Stars: The choice,

74. Lucas, the Game Show Host...

73. Iridescent Stars: The chess bo

72. Jon gets to see the worlds...

71. Iridescent Stars: The church o

70. The door in a tree.

Iridescent Stars: coiled fates

on 2014-08-15 12:57:15

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Age Anthro MTF Musc Myth Size

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The giant snake woman saw the angel Lucas, with it's lifeless eyes.

"Oh Cra-"

She lunged for the angel, holding her in her coils. Lucas struggled to reach her sword, even as the fairy Makepeace fell out of her pocket and into the earth.

Makepeace watched helpless as it looked like Lucas really was going to get eaten!

"Stupid- fairy- body!" She squeaked. If she only had a gun, hell- even a knife! Anything to try and get this snake's attention. She ran towards where her coils were, warped around a dead tree. She struggled up the bark of the tree, using what leverage she could. Her wings provided just a little balance as she did so.

Lucas seemed to be hanging limp now... it's coils were really that strong? To her, Lucas was just a rat... but a fairy was just a flea to her. "Lucas!" she shouted.

Lucas stared into the eyes of the snake, as it reflected her own image. The coils threatening to crush every bone in her body. Lucas spat at the snake's eyes, forcing the creature to blink in surprise.

Makepeace saw a coil loosen. Feeling such helplessness, she just felt a sudden rage and just.. hit the snake.

It was possibly the strangest punch Makepeace had ever thrown. She saw her hand go through the scales of the creature, and right into the softer tissue underneath. She was familiar with the sound of bones suddenly snapping... did snakes have bones? Apparently, they did... an entire spine no less.

The snake woman loosened her grip on Lucas, and the angel quickly threw her blade into the snake. Strangely enough, there was no blood... Why was there bone in this creature, but no blood? But there was something else, a strange light energy that dropped out of the wound. Some of it dropped near General Makepeace, and as he stared at it he recognised instantly, what it was...

The snake then coiled around itself and seemed to just... disappear.

"I... think we won?" said Lucas as she flew back down to where Stan was.

Stan was staring at where the 'blood' had dropped, as it changed now from that strange material of light, and into a liquid. She leaned close to it, and could hear the whispers... whispers of things. "It's... made of water," she said with confusion.

"Water?" Lucas said with a blink.

"Yes, I can hear those... voices in it." The little fairy said grimly.

Lucas peered closer. So.. was this linked to the dam? The river? "Why... would somone dam a river?" said Lucas.

"To generate electricity," said Stan as she dusted her hands, staring at them. How.. did she hurt that snake? Did she? Could she have some kind of power... after all?

Lucas nodded. "Yeah, if it were on Earth... but something about this place. Everything here seems to be an archtype. Everything here has significance to the universe. It's just like when..." The angel trailed at that blanching slightly.

"When what?" Asked Stan.

"...when I almost destroyed the universe."

The Rage was all she knew.


Pure, and furious, like a burning fire in her soul. She knew where she had to be, and she saw her target with ease as she just flew right across the suburbs, and found... it. The building where it all started.

She threw one simple blast of fire, right into it. Nobody was inside of course... she could sense the life of every single person, and though she hated them all to 'some' extent, it was not enough to wish to kill them.

... only one did she wish dead.

"JAY WARNER" She shouted. "YOu.. WILL... DIE!"

Jay was a fox girl.

Well, she had certainly matured quite well, over the years since she first changed. She had even gained an extra tail. (requiring a change to all her clothes to make room) She was now a four tailed kitsune. She didn't really know how kitsune's gained their tails, or what would happen if she ever reached the hallowed 'nine tail' state. (Yes, she was aware of a lot of anime... but she was sure it wasn't quite as world destroying as suggested. Still it showed that for her, there may well still be surprises.

Today... was no exception.

"JAY WARNER" The voice shouted in the sky, as if it were death itself.

The fox-girl looked up from the streets of the destroyed rubble of her office, more out of curiousity then fear. She saw her... a magic girl. A powerful one, and from what her senses told her she was powered by pure and utter rage. Her aura of red itself, just seemed to move the air around her, shimmering in vibrant orange and fire.

That fire was suddenly burning as it was thrown at the fox, which she dodged as people ran away. As soon as the news bulidind had been destroyed, the area was already cornered off... and now the lone magic-girl, had found her target. Where were the Numbers to deal with things like this? Jay had to lead her away from everyone else.

"Hey girl! You found me, let's see if you can catch me."

The creature flew into rage again as if being called 'girl' was the greatest insult imaginable. Jay had a knack for pressing buttons, or even cursed with that skill. The woman dived from the sky like a bird of prey. She threw fireballs of magic that almost singed Jay's tails as she ran, practically flying herself as she cast off her dress and top. Free of clothes she was suddenly a lot more limber, and faster using another wall to bounce herself off another attack. Jay was fast indeed.

"I.. WILL... KILL... YOU!" the girl shouted again.

Jay had enough time to glance back... and she noticed something. She knew this anger was... a voice so personal from years ago, she had almost forgotten. "...Anderson?" She said raising her eyes.

The woman stopped briefly. Her hate was palpable as she drew closer to the fox. "You... You laughed at me... every... one... of you... did. But YOU... I always see you in my mind! I will get rid of it the only way I can! You took my life! My manhood! My Job! My dignity! my... EVERYTHING! I didn't deserve what happened to me! This is justice! The only justice I can have! To...END.. YOU! JUST YOU!"

Jay dodged as the magic-girl form of Anderson seemed to slash at the air itself. Jay recognised this... was... was this because Anderson 'breeched'? It was rare but it happened... in a world of magic... she was acutely aware of it and the implications. If Anderson had repressed anger issues for years since his transformation...

If that was the case, Jay knew she was in a lot of trouble. But if this creature was powered by rage... she knew she had one- possibly suicidal trick. She gave a charismatic smirk. "Yeah! And I'm still laughing. I got a cool salary, and I'm making the news better then you could ever have. How long did it take you to learn to speak English again? Sorry I can barely understand you with that heavy accent!"

"AARAH!" The girl seemed to turn into pure fire. Now she didn't even care if they both died.. Caution was thrown to the wind as she threw fire that would consume them both!

Jay however, neatly jumped onto the woman, using her own body as leverage to a much higher vantage point. It was just enough as she vaulted over the wall. The woman could not stop her attack as she expended all her fire in one blast. The fire consumed the woman as she was caught in her own explosion. "AAAAH!"

The real Anderson... the space-girl Anneza, watched the events as they were televised. Part of her could see it as if she was there, as the magical energy fed off her hate. The other magic girl, the one born of fear was hiding behind the couch, while the one born of Love was cooking a nice meal for her parents.

Her elderly parents thanked the strange girl, and were surprised when she hugged them both.

"You have.. strange friends, Anneza," said her mother. "But she's certainly nice. Goodness what is that you are watching?"

"I... don't really know," said the space-girl, her antenna's bobbing in the air as she turned to them. "There must be something you can do," said Anneza to the other magic light girl.

Fear shook her head as she hid deeper away, wanting to just... disappear. Everything here was scary. The noise of the television, not to mention the template from which they were born from. She was the scariest thing of all.

Love however, seemed a bit more forthcoming. "Can you find it in your heart, to love those that hurt you, Anneza?"

Anneza looked at that blankly. "I... don't know. Everything that the Rage said is true. I see Jay in my mind, all the time. It never stops... and they laugh at me, all the time... I just... I..." and the girl started to cry. Tears born of hate that had stayed in her for years, as if this had destroyed her entire faith in humanity. The planet of her birth, hated the girl of the stars... even the angel that roamed the cosmos, hated her. Forgetting her past, she was almost... happy.

Love gave Anneza, a hug. "You love your parents though, don't you? That's why I love them... so you are capable of Love, and caring. You also love that strange 'daughter' of yours."

"Astra isn't my daughter. She lied... my whole life, was build on a lie. Nothing was real..."

"Maybe she isn't quite your daughter... but for a while, you were happy... she did as she did, out of a love for you."

Her mother and father looked to the two of them. Her elderly mother nodded. "Well- I can not abide by what Astra did... however it may have saved your life. Dear, you were in such dire straits. Your depression was just... distressing. We couldn't help you, as you just ran off to the void of space and we don't exactly have rockets that can reach you and give you a hug. I just kept on praying for you to come see us."

Anneza stared at them. Is this... really what she did? Just... run away from her problems, to the only place she could... "What... do I do?"

Love embraced Anneza. "Forgive yourself Anneza... and forgive all the humans... even forgive the angels, that judge you."

Anneza stared at the television and all the destruction her rage had caused. She never wanted this to happen. She may have thought of it, in her darkest moments... but this isn't her. This anger and rage, wasn't who she wanted to be. But to forgive? Forgive the grudge? Forgive her company, and the human folk... forgive the angel Lucas? Forgive... Astra?!

But hate tended to burn quickly, and she knew she couldn't hate them forever. Anneza knew she would exist for a very long time, after all. She could forgive... one person at a time.

"... I forgive you, Jay."

Morgana looked into a strange crystal ball as she nodded. "All is now in place."

Brad, using Hiro's body looked incredulous. "What?! Damn it you said that magic girl would be a match for Lucas! But we can't use her any more if she's not feeling any rage." Magic Light Red was indeed powerful... it was like the power of the 'Enemy' Itself from what she saw in those files on the internet. Lucas would surly have met her match.

Morgana looked at Brad annoyed. "Child... child child child... do you honestly think even I would dare to meddle too much, in the intricate weave that is as immortal as the stars themselves? Anneza's life spans across the very cosmos themselves... as much as Lucas will, from what I can observe of her fate."

Brad looked at Morgana, then at the image of the space girl on the crystal globe.

Morgana tapped the glass... as Brad was greeted to scenes of Anneza, and the various stars and planets in her future... everything so intricately laid. A single push here, would cause dramatic change on a cosmic level. An asteroid could change course by her flight, a star never born.. a black hole forming taking away life where there might have been... God! Anneza's life truly had consequence...

The witch however, shook her head. "Anneza's fate is... far too complicated to press too far. We can not use her as our agent. Her heart is made of more kindness then any I have known... at least, in the future. However because of this, and her current state... it was enough to cause a small breech, and awaken the Magic Light Girls... and we can use Magic Girl Red... with the right person for her to merge with."

"And who might that be?"

Once again the image shifted.

"Oh... my." Brad stared.

Morgana smiled. "As I'm sure you are well aware, the heroes always create their own villains..."

Juliet tossed and turned in her bed. She was seeing images... of her father, humiliated by an angel.. the truth of what happened to the base. How an angel took over

Everyone was laughing at her father... her entire family was mocked at, by a nasty 'angel girl'.... and she lacked the power to do anything!

She was feeling so angry so much rage "I have to do something"

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