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4. Everything SEEMS Normal (3)

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Same Cast, New Roles

on 2010-12-04 18:15:34

2466 hits, 96 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Inanimate MTF Magic Myth Omni Size Super Unaware

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Jon yawned and stretched as he sat up in bed, silencing his buzzing alarm clock. He had actually slept pretty well, considering all the worry about the stone and the foolish wish he'd made. He rubbed his eyes and took a look around the room. Thankfully, everything was still perfectly normal. Well, he thought, if nothing's changed by now, it must've been a dud.

There was a stirring in the sheets beside him, and his husband Zoe groggily sat up.

"Morning sweetie," she said.

"Morning hon," Jon replied, "Sleep well?"

"Yeah. Wish I could sleep in though. I've got a big meeting this morning."

"Well, you hop in the shower and I'll get some breakfast ready, and make sure the kids are up."

"Thanks babe," Zoe said, giving Jon a peck on the cheek. She got up and trudged to the bathroom in her boxers, while Jon stepped into his slippers and pulled a pink bathrobe over his silk nightie.

As Jon exited the bedroom into the hallway, he could hear the sound of cartoons coming from the living room TV.

"Well, I guess the twins are up."

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