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4. arrested

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon Is Arrested

on 2011-09-02 08:58:30

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(Author's note: something I do every time I write. Changing the narrative to first person i.e. Jon = I)

I slept peacefully dreaming of things I never remember when suddenly a loud bang and a sound of feet running up the stairs woke me up.

I slowly sat up on the bed and looked at the door. It didn't take long before I saw them being kicked-open and a group of armed men entered my room aiming their guns at me.

"JON GIBSON!!" one of them shouted while two of them threw me off my bed and proceeded to handcuff me "YOU ARE ARRESTED UNDER CHARGES OF RAPE AND MURDER! YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!"

Needless to say I was shocked. Rape and murder? I never did any of those things... Hey! I never EVER even thought of doing either of them! And now I was being arrested because...

Oh god... I thought This must be because of my wish!

"The stone!" I shouted trying to reach for the stone which rested on my nightstand. I forgot that I was already handcuffed though so the only result of my move was the cuffs cutting into my wrists. It hurt like hell.

I saw the same guy that spoke walking to the nightstand and picking up the stone. He weighted it in his hand and then looked at me.

"I don't know why you want this ugly piece of rock," he began "but I know that it's very unlikely you'll ever get to touch it again... Your trial is scheduled for tomorrow and the evidence is clear. You monster, you deserve to be Downsent! Oh, how I wish you were Downsent!"

Nobody else have noticed it but I saw how the rock glowed a little after the policeman finished his unintentional wish.

And what the hell does it mean to be 'Downsent'?! I thought.

Well, I was soon to learn. To learn the hard way...

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