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31. Tammy goes back to school.

30. The Schooldays of Tammy Sheppa

29. Brother and Sister meet.

28. The Next Day

27. The Flashback continues

26. Everything stops for Pizza.

25. Tammy (Tom) Calls Tina

24. Mom’s turn to get in on the ac

23. Mom’s Home

22. Arriving home.

21. At the Bus Stop.

20. The School Day Comes to A Clos

19. Free Period

18. The kindness of the almost str

17. Journey to a forbidden land

16. Lunchtime

15. The Morning Continues…

14. Helping out the New Girl

13. Female Problems

12. The School day begins

Uniform Swap: Tammy goes back to school.

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The trio arrived at the school a short time later and one by one got out of the car. Susan and Tom turned to say goodbye to their mother when Melissa turned around and said “This way we have a meeting with Miss Lyons before you go to class”. The brother and sister looked at each other as if to say what but said nothing. They only fell in line behind their mother as started to walk towards Miss Lyons’ office wondering what was going to happen now.

They entered the waiting area to be met by Mrs. Mahoney who spoke to their mother “Ah Melissa go right in she is waiting for you.” You two wait there and no wondering off this time Tammy” Melissa said with a smile on her face as she knocked on the door to the office. “Come in” Came the voice from the other side. Melissa opened the door and walked on closing it behind her.

While the two schoolchildren sat in silence outside the office there was an interesting conversation going on inside. “Ah, Melissa I thought it was you. Please take a seat.” Miss Lyons said with a smile as she pointed to a chair just in front of her desk.

It seemed like hours that the two children had been sitting outside the office before the door opened and they were asked to come inside and find out what was going on.

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