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4. A diaper

3. Two roommates in their mid twe

2. The Randoms!

1. The Drafting Board

A diaper

on 2021-11-05 21:09:45
Episode last modified by belchest on 2021-11-07 10:30:38

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Greg could see and feel the bulge inside his pants. He quickly pulled down his zipper to have a look inside. Instead of the usual dark boxer shorts he was used to seeing he instead saw the light blue plastic of a diaper. It was thick and causing the front of his jeans to bulge. He rubbed the front of the diaper and felt his dick behind the padding. This was without a doubt the weirdest thing to ever happen to him. He zipped his pants back up and studied himself in the hallway mirror. It was very obvious that he was wearing a diaper under his jeans. It bulged at the front and the back and the thickness of it caused his legs to be slightly spread too. He studied his reflection to see if anything else had changed but was relieved to see that apart from the diaper he looked normal.

He headed into his bedroom to see if anything had changed. It looked mostly the same except his dresser now had lots of baby wipes, powder and cream. There was also a small diaper pail beside his dresser. His top drawer now contained lots of dmckean diapers instead of his usual underwear.

Exploring the rest of the apartment he next went into the bathroom. This was where he saw the only other major change. Where before the bathroom had a toilet, sink and shower, now the toilet was missing and in its place was a small table with more diapers and wipes.

He took a quick look into Colin's room seeing the same diaper setup as his own room. This gave him some relief as at least he wouldn't have to deal with this change on his own.

Hoping this event would pass quickly he decided to do his best to ignore it for now. He headed to the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer before sitting on the sofa and turning on the TV. He watched a few shows before he heard the front door opening and knew it was his roommate home from work.

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