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8. Girly Thoughts In A Tomboy's M

7. Karyn's New Attire

6. She does

5. Just zone out

4. Wait...

3. Girly

2. The magic bracelet

1. You Are What You Wish

Girly Thoughts In A Tomboy's Mind

on 2021-11-24 04:18:00

1379 hits, 173 views, 2 upvotes.

Age Body Swap FTP Herm MC MTF Musc Myth SciFi Super

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Stress and confusion were the main emotions Karyn felt while walking butt naked to her mother's room. Thankfully she was the only one home at the moment, so being naked would be fine for now, but.... she just HAD to get dressed into something cute! Growing up a Tomboy, Karyn still had no idea why these urges were just coming over her, and quite frankly, she didn't care. All that mattered to her at this time was getting something tight, maybe even lacy, and girly to cover her tits and rump!

Making her way down the hall, she then opens her mother's bedroom door, before stepping inside. Her mother had been a Tomboy herself when she was younger, but over the years the style slowly left her, as now basic dresses, skirts, and blouses predominantly filled her wardrobe. Something Karyn would NEVER wear normally, but... 'No.' Karyn thinks, trying to shake the thoughts out of her head. 'I'd never wear something like that... something cropped and sleeveless would be so much cuter.' The girl smiles as the thoughts creep into her mind, sliding into her brain as if they had always been there.

Now opening her Mother's underwear drawer, Karyn begins to slowly dig through it, cringing to herself at the sight. White briefs, black boyshorts, slip shorts.... ah-ha! With a big grin on her face, Karyn finally pulls out the bottom half of a cute looking bikini! The pattern practically screamed her name, or so she thought, as they pastel cyan blue with decently sized straps and three golden hoops on each hip, the bikini bottoms were for sure the most 'revealing' thing in the drawer. Karyn however, would have it no other way!

Opening the drawer just left of it, she then begins to dig to find the matching top. Normally Karyn didn't really care if her bra and panties matched, as long as they were comfortable and supported her correctly, that was all she wanted. Not today however, as the bubbling urge to find the matching top half to this bikini set was uncontrollable. After a minute or two of searching, she finally finds the matching top half underneath literally everything else in the drawer. The string that held the bikini was already tied, and only slightly adjustable, but the adorable cyan color would look AMAZING on her tits, and the cups even connected to a golden hoop that would sit in the center of her chest, without covering her cleavage!

Proud of her findings, Karyn begins to put on the attire, humming to herself as she does so. After dressing, she finds herself lightly giggling, as she looks down at her now supported tits, which show her cleavage beautifully! "Thankfully Mom and I are super close in size..." Karyn mutters to herself happily, before peering over her shoulder to take a glance at her rump. Satisfied, she then....stops. A nice top had to be next but- nothing here was good enough! She refused to go out wearing something as lame as a sweater or something as geeky as a knee-length skirt. She begins making her way out of her mother's bedroom, not even bothering to close the drawers that she had opened behind her, before making her way back into her bedroom. "I guess I can slip some flip flops on and say I'm going to the beach or something." She mutters to herself in thought. "I mean- there is a mall not to far away from the beach but it's expensive- ah damnit... I shouldn't do this- but, no I have to!" She says, almost arguing with another person entirely rather than herself.

As she drops to her knees, her tits bouncing sexily as she does so, she begins searching under her bed for her flip flops that she hasn't wore in several months- before the familiar buzzing of her phone causes her to groan. Priorities! The phone continues to buzz a bit, as Karyn's mind is currently fully focused on finding her flip flops, before she smiles....then frowns. Only one?! The cringe returns to her face as it's like another wave of girlyness had washed over her mind. She couldn't be seen wearing THAT- even if she did find the other matching one! Tossing it very lousily across the room, she groans before sitting on her bed. The fabric felt nice on her rump and calves, but she wanted something to wear over them that WASN'T a blanket at the moment.

Picking her phone up, the alert that a missed call from Jonboy is the first thing that she sees. "Wonder what he's up to..." she mutters, her left hand already toying with her long blonde hair as she types her password in and opens up her texts. "Sorry, was busy. What's up?" She types, though her thumb levitates over the send button just after. Biting her lip, she reads her message over again. Yeah.... yeah that was what she wanted to say right? Maybe she worded it wrong? Something felt off. Deleting her words, she then tries again. "Sorry was busy whats up" though once again, her finger refused to hit the send button. "What the hell...." She mutters, not out of confusion as to why this was happening, but frustration as to what was wrong! Squinting she reads the words over again, then a second time, and even a third. Deleting it, she gives a third and final try. "Srry was bzzy, wud" She finds a bit of relief this time around, and even hits send without having to re-read it! The obvious change in how she types not even registering in her mind, as she stands up. WHOOP the sound of a text being received emits from her phone, as she reads it as she begins walking to the living room. "Oh it's fine, just wanted to let you know I ordered you something. I think you'd look good in it!" Jon had sent, as Karyn can't help but raise a brow. "Wym? Idk wh-" She stops as she text, catching herself typing like some airhead at Starbucks. Quickly deleting the words, she then types. "??? Why would you order me something to wear?" She then sends it, finding it a tad odd that she had typed like that. Karyn had always been a little OCD when it came to typing or texting, being lazy and abbreviating things wasn't her style! It was cute though. The last thought managed to slip through her mind again without her noticing. WHOOP "I won that bet last week remember? You have to wear whatever I find online for the day." Jon had text'd, as Karyn....blinks. Right. Right Jon and her had made a bet last week!

The bet was during lunch break at school, and it was if Sarah McMillan would get in trouble with the teachers for wearing some rather revealing clothing and flaunting quite obviously at the boys. Jon had voted no, and Karyn had voted yes. One school day later, and Sarah had drove home wearing the same outfit, while Karyn had to deal with Jon's bragging. "Right. I forgot." Karyn types..... stares.....then hits send. What was that feeling just now? Before she can contemplate on it any further, she hears the doorbell ring loudly, announcing someone was at the door! 'Gotta be that package, Jesus I thought it'd take a few minutes at least. Must have alerted Jon when it was down the street.' She thinks to herself as she begins making her way to the door, blissfully unaware of her best friends' manipulation on her mind.

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