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3. Masculinity enhancement

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Masculinity enhancement

on 2013-10-15 13:41:36

2938 hits, 142 views, 1 upvotes.

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One of the first results of Jon's wish is that his memory and awareness of the stone faded away. The stone sat, looking terribly unremarkable, on his bedside table. Both Jon and Karyn mostly forgot about their experience with the stone - they were vaguely aware that something was different, but couldn't place their thoughts firmly upon it.

Karyn thought it was strange that she couldn't remember when she got her hair bleached and straightened, but she remembered having curly, red hair before and now she didn't. She still had a curly tuft of red pubic hair, so she knew that her hair had been bleached, but surprisingly nobody mentioned anything about her new blonde look.

Stranger to Karyn was her sudden growth in the breast department. None of her bras fit anymore, which was strange, because she thought she would have noticed them growing before now. Still, she could hardly complain - they were full and pert, and she was getting a LOT of attention from the boys lately. While she wasn't really keen on being treated as a sex object, it was nice to have guys asking her out on dates for a change. Too bad Jon had started acting weird lately - she caught him sneaking looks at her bosom more and more, but he never made a move. Karyn tried dropping hints about how she was looking for a man, not a boy, thinking that this would make Jon feel more confident, but it only seemed to make him more shy and reluctant.

Jon, meanwhile, found that he was thinking more and more about Karyn. He had never really noticed how sexy her figure was before, but since she bleached her hair from red to blonde he was really noticing her body. Especially her boobs - how had he missed their beautiful size and shape before? He had been thinking about asking her out on a date, instead of just hanging around like a buddy, but she had made it clear that she was looking for someone more masculine.

A few days later, Jon was walking through the mall when he noticed a clinic he hadn't seen before. It was one of the signs that caught his eye - it said "enhance your masculinity with our Tantric treatments". For some strange reason, Jon felt compelled to go inside.

An extremely attractive woman sat at the reception desk. She smiled a brilliant white smile at Jon and gestured for him to sit down. She brought over some forms for him and he started filling them out absent-mindedly. They asked for a lot of medical information, but there was also a series of check boxes asking what he was interested in. Many of the options seemed strange - intelligence sharpening, body/mind harmonization, wholeness correction, and other things that were mysterious to Jon, but he saw a box that said "masculinity enhancement" and felt compelled to check it off.

The receptionist took the forms back and started keying information into her computer. She smiled at Jon and said "Good news, it appears that your insurance will cover most of what we offer!"

Jon looked at her blankly, thinking "I have insurance?", but a door opened up behind the receptionist before he could say anything.

A dark-haired, pale-skinned woman in a white lab coat stood in the door and called Jon's name. He got up, and she directed him into what looked like a small examination room. She closed the door and read off a clipboard.

"So," she said, looking Jon in the eye, "you're interested in enhancing your masculinity?"

Jon nodded blankly.

"Well, you're in luck," said the woman, shrugging out of her lab coat to reveal that she was wearing nothing but a sexy black bra and black lacy panties beneath. "We have a simple treatment that will do just that. Please remove your clothes."

Jon gaped, but the woman looked at him with such a stern, businesslike expression that he quickly pulled off his pants and shirt, standing in his underpants.

The woman gestured towards him again. "Please take off ALL your clothes, Jon."

Embarrassed, Jon slipped off his underwear and socks, standing naked in the middle of the room. The woman gestured towards an examination table, covered with the standard sheet of white paper, and Jon lay down. She slipped on some plastic gloves, squirted some kind of oil on her hands, and grabbed Jon's penis.

Jon gasped, "What are you doing?"

She looked him in the eye again. "I'm enhancing your masculinity, Jon. Obviously."

Then Jon felt a strange sensation. The oil on the woman's gloves felt warm and tingly on his cock, and he began to harden immediately. She began to stroke his penis rapidly, while wrapping her other hand around his balls and the base of his cock. Within moments, Jon felt an orgasm building within his body.

Just at the moment he was about to ejaculate, though, the woman gripped his balls and the base of his cock tightly. Too tightly - the sensation was actually quite painful. Then she took her other hand and jammed two fingers - HARD - into the space between Jon's asshole and his balls. Nothing came out of his cock, but a hot, painful sensation spread through his body just before he passed out.

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