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5. MVC: Magic Acts

4. Present Day

3. Unleashed an evil upon the wor

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

MVC: Magic Acts

on 2013-11-03 03:16:58

1479 hits, 69 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal FTP Inanimate MC MTF Musc Myth Omni Super TF

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Von Crucial then set his sites on the young male friend of the former redhead turned balloon head. He picked up the red hair that had been his girlfriends and placed it on her friends head. It seemed to fuse with his scalp, replacing his former black short hair with her luxurious set of read ringlets. The audience applauded and the applause continued as Von Crucial raised his right hand and light emitted from his palm and surrounded the man. Engulfed in the light, I could see his body start to ripple and shimmer as strange changes began to take hold of his body. First, his arms started to shrink and were drawn into his shoulders where they were now completely smooth. His chest was stripped of all of its hair and the small, undeveloped man nipples started to move outward and upward toward the smooth skin where his arms used to be. The nipples migrated and stopped dead center on the empty arm sockets. Von Crucial then raised his left arm and a pink light emitted from his palm and surrounded the young man. Suddenly, from the empty arm sockets two swellings started to develop beneath the small nipples. It was breasts, somehow Von Crucial was making two tear drop shaped female breasts with small male nipples grow in place of the young mans arms. If I wasn't seeing it was wouldn't believe it. Perhaps it's all a hallucination?

After the two breasts grew to about a C cup, the swelling stopped. He then levitated the young man, and laying him horizontally, the assistant again zapped him with the remote control and shrunk him as she shrunk his girlfriend. She stopped when he was nearly 12 inches in length and placing him on a small gurney wheeled him off stage. I caught a look at his face and it was contorted, he was in obvious pain but no sound came from his silent lips even though I could tell if he could, he would be screaming his lungs out.

Was I next I wondered? I felt him walk behind me but I was relieved when he continued passed and stopped behind the man standing next to me on my right. I could not see too much of what was going on because he was actually too far behind me for my peripheral vision to catch what was going on so I stood there, nervous, scared and very uncertain was what was happening and what may happen. Was this all real? Or is it just an illusion. I caught the gaze of my husband as he too sat there. Judging by the expression on his face he was either drunk or had been slipped a drug of some sort. Heck, all of the audience I could see had the same, dumb, expression of a mixture of ecstasy and intoxication. Whatever was happening was not going to be stopped, not by anyone in that audience.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden movement to my right. I glanced down to see the man next to me had been transformed. In horror I tried to process exactly what I was seeing because from what I could tell is that the man from the waist down was now sporting two large breasts the size of bean bags, complete with huge nipples where what should have been, feet? His penis and testicles where nestled in a patch of black pubic hair in his cleavage. The effect was he was essentially balancing on the two large breasts, but not to well as he wobbled back and forth like a perverted blowup punching bag.

The assistant came out and did her duty but this time only shrinking the poor guy down to about 4 feet tall. She wheeled him off the stage on a utilty cart. I saw his face wince in pain as one of his foot/nipples became caught in the wheels.

My god, I'm next I thought. I braced myself as he stopped behind me. In through the mouth, out through the nose I thought as I tried in vane to run, to save myself. I looked out at my husband, and pleaded with him with my eyes to do something. He just gave me a thumbs up sign and applauded. Oh God, help me I screamed mentally.

Suddenly a flash of red light engulfed me and when it cleared I had a tingly feeling on my face, just below my nose. I wanted to scratch it but I was totally paralyzed and could only suffer in silence. I could also feel the tingly feeling in my butt crack. What the heck happened to me I wondered, and as soon as it had started it stopped. I saw the assistant come to my side and point the remote device at me. Here it goes I thought, what next, where are we going? Are we all restored off stage?

Without warning, there was a burst of noise and confusion as men in uniforms stormed the stage. The screamed for everyone to get down and you know I would have it I could have!

The PA system was disabled and with the lights now on, the audience started coming out of their trances. They looked around disoriented, some looked at their watches.

I too suddenly found myself able to move. I heard gun shots followed by a brilliant flash of light and then silence.

A man, white in his mid to upper 40's stepped into my field of view and asked if I could hear him and if I could move. I started to answer but was stopped when he yelled at another person in uniform to come and take me somewhere off stage.

I was wrapped in a blanket and we moved to stage left and found a couch to sit on. Sitting down is when I started to get the feeling that something was wrong, very wrong. First of all, I was still concentrating on breathing in through the mouth and out through the nose. When I sat down, I noticed that breathing through my mouth had become difficult, almost like someone had placed a heavy cloth over my mouth. I reached up to move whatever was blocking my breathing and

.I heard muffled voices asking is she ok? I recognized one of them as my husband but I couldn't recognize any of the others.

She'll have to lie on her side for the time being, we're just not sure to what extent the transformation has affected her respiration. We don't want to run the risk of suffocation.

Suffocation? I wondered as I slowly opened my eyes. They fluttered open and I could tell I was lying on my side on the couch. On the couch, Oh my God I thought as it all started coming back. Something was wrapped around my face, I reached up to feel what seemed like a handkerchief tied around my neck and pulled up over my cheeks.

In through the mouth, out through the nose I repeated mentally but stopped when I realized that if I had a handkerchief over my mouth then why couldn't I feel it on my lips? I stuck out my tongue and felt nothing, which confused me because I could feel the cloth against my cheeks. I licked my lips and immediately pulled my tongue back because beyond my lips, my tongue contacted more skin and stubble? That doesn't make sense, I was almost as if my cheeks were being squashed together and what was up with the stubble? I don't have a facial hair problem. So I tried it again but this time I opened my mouth wide, or as wide as I could but found difficult and hard to part my lips much further than partway because of some sort of pressure being applied to my top and bottom lips. Sticking my tongue out as far as I could I let out a yelp as someone or something was touching my butt. I jumped up and in the process bit my tongue and bit it hard. I reached up to instinctively to cover my mouth and was surprised again when I felt someone touch my butt hole. I jerked my arm around to swat the offending jerk away and felt nothing. I spun around and saw no one, no one that is except for my husband and the man in the nice suit looking at me with concern.

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