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16. MVC: A new routine

15. MVC: A Changed man

14. MVC: Switched

13. MVC: A botched rescue

12. MVC: A new nightmare

11. MVC: Trying to cope

10. MVC: Safe for now

9. MVC: Awakenings

8. MVC: A hole new face redux

7. MVC: Investigation

6. MVC: A hole new face

5. MVC: Magic Acts

4. Present Day

3. Unleashed an evil upon the wor

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

MVC: A new routine

on 2013-11-03 03:39:17

639 hits, 29 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal Body Swap FTM Myth Part Swap Size Super Unaware

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The early morning light was peeking through the window shade.

Walking gingerly toward the bathroom door, he stooped slightly as standing full upright increased the need to express his bladder, not to mention a slight twinge in his lower back caused him to slouch slightly to quell the small, sharp pain.

He reached for the doorknob and missed, fumbling he redirected his aim a little higher and turned the knob and walked in. He ran a hand blindly along the wall reaching for a light switch, again finding one a little higher than his first flailing attempt. Sensing relief, he grasped the belt buckle and fumbled with it until he felt it release and the belt loosen slightly. He tried to pull the pants down but they stopped, wedged against his hips and he realized he would have to undo the button and zipper to get them all the way down. The sense of urgency increased with each passing heartbeat as he fumbled clumsily with button, finally ripping it off out of frustration and panic sending it shooting across the room, hitting the closet door and bouncing onto the vanity with a click. He jerked the pants down, along with a handful of underwear down and out of habit, made a grab for his penis, only to feel his fingers bury themselves in a patch of soft pubic hair. He groaned and turned to sit, jumping up with a yelp as cold plastic met warm flesh because in his haste, he had forgot to lift the lid. Cursing, he turned and flung the thin plastic up and turned to sit again, this time hitting his mark. He paused, as if to ponder what to do next. Relaxing and spreading his legs slightly, a sudden burst of fluid half streamed and half sprayed from between his legs, down into the toilet bowl. The relief was instant, and as quickly as it had started, it stopped. Arching his back he looked up and sighed, "That was close " he thought.

Reaching over to grab a handful of toilet paper, he felt cooling drops of moisture collect and drip into the water below. Taking a deep breath he reached straight down between Joy's legs to dry, gingerly he dabbed at the area. Unable to see what he was aiming at, he just pressed the wad of paper against the entire area. The feeling was so strange as the paper pressed against Joy's anatomy, sensations his brain struggled to register were being created by the pressure of the tissue in his hand against his borrowed equipment and he must have used a half of a roll of paper before he felt he was satisfactorily dry. Before he stood to pull his pants up, he stole a glance at the two, pale and hairless thighs that extended out before him as he sat on the toilet. He touched the right one carefully, his hand felt warm on the cool, soft flesh. It, like it's counterpart on the left side looked thinner than "his" thighs. While the skin appeared to be completely smooth, there was a distinct presence of stubble, indicating Joy had not shaved her legs, or upper portion at least, for a couple of days. He remembered how his ex wife would alternate between shaving the entire leg or just the bottoms depending upon need. Sliding his hand down over the soft, round knee, he felt the shin area and how it was considerable smoother than the thigh and concluded that Joy had followed the same practice of only shaving the entire leg when necessary. He couldn't believe that these two smooth and feminine legs were attached to his body as he paused to think about how running his hand over the smooth legs would under normal circumstances cause some arousal, but at this point he felt nothing. Looking down, he saw how just below his chest, about 6 inches there was a distinct line where his mildly hairy chest and upper stomach stopped and completely smooth and paler skin started. A slight paunch of a belly was interrupted only with a few dimples of cellulite and an oval shaped navel that Jon gingerly stuck a finger into. Below that, the pale skin was completely bare except for a small patch of strawberry blonde pubic hair resting at the conjunction of the slightly parted creamy thighs.

Holding the waist of the pants closed with one hand, he started to walk carefully out into the bedroom. As he passed the bathroom mirror, he caught a glimpse of the side view of his body. His tee shirt hung below his waist, but the profile was not that of which he was used to seeing and he swallowed hard when his focus fell upon the swell of Joy's rounded butt from underneath the tee shirt. Putting the vision out of his mind he walked out into the bedroom trying to ignore strange sensations emitting from his crotch as his thighs gently rubbed together with each step. He tried hard also to not focus on the way his butt cheeks jiggling slightly with each step he took. The underwear Joy had been wearing yesterday fit snuggly but for some reason it felt as if half of each butt cheek was hanging out, rubbing against the more course cotton blended material of the uniform bottoms and moving uncontrollably with each step on the hard floor. To quell the feelings, he started taking shorter strides that seemed to help somewhat and even made walking a little more comfortable.

Deciding to use the phone in the kitchenette, he walked out the bedroom door and down the hall, getting more and more confident with each small step. Looking down, he still couldn't believe that the small feet were now his and he swayed a little bit as he lost concentration and lost his balance for a moment. He thought it was best just to keep his eyes up and focus on getting from A to B before he fell and broke his neck. An object near the front door caught his eye so he walked over to it and bent over carefully to pick it up. Bending at the waist he groaned slightly as the slight pain in his lower back returned causing him to step forward slightly and kneel to finally grasp the yellow envelope. Using the door knob for leverage, he stood back upright and made is way to the kitchen counter. Detective Jon James was hand written on the outside.
A note was inside, it was telling him that there was a change of clothes in the duffle bag on the kitchen table and to pick what he needed and return the rest to Dr. Jackson's office when he came for his examination at 7:00. Walking to the kitchen table, he opened the bag and dumped it onto the counter top. He found a pair of blue sweat pants that fit a little snug in the butt but otherwise were a good fit if not a little too long in the legs. Joy obviously had a shorter than normal in-seem which would explain some of his loss of height. The only foot gear provided was a pair of what looked to be one size fit's all medical slippers, that were slightly too large but functional and there was not a change of underwear provided

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