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15. MVC: Jim

14. MVC: Switched

13. MVC: A botched rescue

12. MVC: A new nightmare

11. MVC: Trying to cope

10. MVC: Safe for now

9. MVC: Awakenings

8. MVC: A hole new face redux

7. MVC: Investigation

6. MVC: A hole new face

5. MVC: Magic Acts

4. Present Day

3. Unleashed an evil upon the wor

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

MVC: Jim

on 2013-11-03 19:49:29

707 hits, 36 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap Herm Inanimate MTF Myth TF Unaware

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He could smell the brewing coffee as it wafted into their bedroom, Janice was making breakfast and the aroma of sizzling bacon greeted him as he awoke from what he could only describe as a bizarre nightmare.

He stretched and yawned loudly to announce to Janice he was awake.

"Breakfast is almost ready Jim!" she gently yelled to him.

Jumping out of bed and stretching out all of his limbs, clad in only his boxers he glided casually down the hallway towards the kitchen. He could see Janice hovering over the stove, her beautiful long legs stretching out far beneath her little lime green negligee, her perky little butt bouncing around to a tune she had in her head. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to be married to wife as wonderful as Janice.

He slowed his steps in order to creep up behind her sashaying backside, her head bobbing up and down as she hummed a sweet tune and made her famous apple bacon and chorizo scramble.

"I know you're there Jim, I could hear you stomping down the hallway like every morning, sit down and I'll serve you in a minute" she called without even turning around and missing a beat while cooking.

He chuckled softly and drifted over to the kitchen table, and fluttered through a music magazine.

engrossed in an article about an interview of him and Janice's favorite band going on tour, he was distracted by plate of hot bacon, and eggs being centered on the magazine top, the smell assaulting and engrossing him.

"Looks great Jan" he looked up towards her only to find her on the other side of the table, her back to him pouring coffee from the machine for them. He shrugged it off and decided to dig into his food.

engrossed in his food, he didn't notice when Jan dropped off his cup of coffee and sat down opposite him.

"I always said you make the best eggs hone----" his voice trailed off into a startled gasp as he sat slackjawed at the sight in front of him.

"whats the matter Jim? You feeling okay" Her voice now coming out muffled from between the two large plump soft cheeks that dominated where his wife's face used to be, her entire head was now nothing more than a feminine backside, at the very top cascaded her hair with her trademark curls falling down on both sides with one or two strands that occasionally strayed forward and got caught in what was now the crevice of her face.

He couldn't tell if she was staring at him, or if she could even see him, the only sign that what he was looking at was his wife were the curls of her hair and the muffled voice that reverberated out of the creatures tanned wrinkled hole, no eyes to speak of. She continued to act as if nothing was wrong and he watched with curious horrified eyes as she lifted up her cup of coffee and as well in her other hand and long hard plastic straw.

He recoiled visibly when she inserted the straw into her anus mouth and proceeded to sip her coffee as if it were the most normal thing in the world, her "mouth" had a little tendril of smoke emitting from it as she withdrew the straw.

"Oooh, i think it's a little too hot!, What do you think Jim?" He had no words, he could not believe what he was seeing, his wife had been disfigured beyond human thought and she acted as if this was her normal form, he was confused and scared and it seemed like the world around him was getting bigger and he was falling backwards.

"Oh Jim I'm so sorry I forgot about your condition, let me help you" She got up from the table and went over to him, her hair obstructing the crack of her face for the briefest moment, her cheeks wobbling to and fro with every movement of her neck, she still retained her perky little butt, however it was not where it should be.

He wanted to back away and get as far away from her, he tried to rise up from his chair but his legs wouldnt respond correctly and he ended up falling face first into the floor of the kitchen, he scrambled to get up as fast as he could but its as if he was trying to walk in reverse, he felt like a tadpole, he couldn't feel his arms and all he managed to was flail about his legs wildly without direction.

"Jimmy please calm down, Im sorry I forgot, let me help" She came over to him, and flipped him over, it felt strange and unreal his body felt like a mess and everything was twice as tall as it should be. Janice loomed over him, her "face" peering down at him smooth curving flesh that wobbled like jello while making cooing noises of comfort, sounding muffled and disturbing and more like little farts.

She picked him up like he was nothing, and carried him towards the other side of the table, cradling him beneath his head like a baby, all he could was stare stunned at her 'face" as she carried him, all the while making those farting noises with her mouth.

"here we go jimmy, your feeding chair!" she announced with her cheeks moving side to side excitedly. He looked to where she pointed his head and saw a strange device that looked like someone didnt follow the instructions correctly when putting together a toddlers feeding chair, the table was facing the back side of the seat and leg holes of the bucket seat were on the side near the padded headboard. The whole chair was covered in pink and covered in a care bare motif.

He was even more confused, Janice and him were newlyweds, they didnt have kids and never really talked about it after their marriage, she continued to carry him over to the chair and soon found himself being inserted inside of it, and somehow the strange poorly constructed device fitted him perfectly. He was shocked, he should have been cramped and uncomfortable and yet he felt his head hit the back of the padded headboard as well as his legs swing freely from the leg holes in the bucket seat. This shouldnt have been possible, physically it didnt make sense and here he was.

"Open wide for the choo choo train!" his wife came at him, her butt face seeming to be giggling as she advanced on him with a glittery pink spoon filled with what looked like baby food. And shoved it into his mouth without warning. He just let it drool out of his mouth.

"Awww, my poor girl doesnt like her food? let me kiss you and make you feel better"

Little girl? what was she talking about, what was going on here, why couldnt he move his arms, he was trapped with his insane disfigured wife, bound to a baby feeding chair, the world was spining out of control and then he remembered. The magic show, the freakish transformations, that horrible cackling man and his twisted grin. The pain, the torture his wife went through, the struggle of trying to deal with her deformity. And then he came back and his wife was being sent into some black hole, he cried out for her and then that horrible twisting and sinking feeling, and then it got worse as if his entire body was twisted inside out and back again. The horrible blinding light and incoherent screams.

He looked down.

beneath his head snuggled comfortably in the bucket seat were two larger than normal, wide feminine hips, the slopes of the top of his buttcheeks spilling outward towards the bottom of his neck, he gaped. A high pitched female voice, something that sounded more like it belonged to a ten year old little girl escaped from the plump juicy lips that adorned his innocent female face.

He screamed, and screamed all the while his wife and her butt face advancing on him, wanting to give him that comforting kiss that he desperately needed. Her facial butt cheeks undulating too and fro while puckering her already puckered mouth hole. Her ass obstructing all view of everything else as she smothered him in it. The feel of her soft downy skin flowing over his face was the last thing he remembered as everything turned black.

"Dr. Shall, I think she's waking up"

"Thank you Nurse Simms, please see to it that she gets the attentions she needs, adjust her to her condition"

"Yes sir, poor thing...Is she the one that was with the capture team? is she a member?

"No as far as I can tell, she was just there when they went to extract the Tomes, Its not Janice thats for sure, she was already modified by the mage. and the Tomes were already gone before the team got there"

"So she's a Jane doe?"

"seems likely, however we wont truly know who she is until she's awake, look at her...poor thing looks like she's having a nightmare"

"I've already set up accommadations at Mrs. Spears manor for her, there is someone with a similar modification she can room with"

"Thank you Nurse Simms, she'll need all the help she can get to adjust"

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