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18. MVC: What happens now?

17. MVC: The Doctor arrives

16. MVC: Awaken from the nightmare

15. MVC: Jim

14. MVC: Switched

13. MVC: A botched rescue

12. MVC: A new nightmare

11. MVC: Trying to cope

10. MVC: Safe for now

9. MVC: Awakenings

8. MVC: A hole new face redux

7. MVC: Investigation

6. MVC: A hole new face

5. MVC: Magic Acts

4. Present Day

3. Unleashed an evil upon the wor

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

MVC:What happens now?

on 2013-11-03 19:54:49

770 hits, 47 views, 0 upvotes.

Magic Myth Part Swap SciFi TF

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Sold to the highest bidder, custom made to fit their decadent bizzare fetishes. Nothing but a piece of living art tortured into horrendous parodies of what a human body used to be. He could feel the bile and anger rise in his throat. He wanted to scream and cry all at the same time.

"I need to update you on your condition Mr...umm...Mrs...errr"

his anger got the better of him.

"My name is Jim!" he mustered with all the grace of little girl throwing a tantrum.

The doctor gave an exagerated sigh.

"Considering the circumstances Mr. Tomes, you're going to have to consider a name more fitting of your form, all transgendered transformees have had to alter their names at some point, the sooner you alter yours the less trouble and stress you will recieve"

His answer was nothing more than an angry glare.

"Very well Mrs. Tomes, I need to brief on your current status, since you are now being released from the clinic" he made of point of emphisizing the femmine suffix.

"You are currently a victim of the Rogue Mage, AKA the Mad Mage, AKA The Wizard AKA Max von Crucial as his name has appeared through history and the other aliases he has appeared. You are hereby placed in the care of a govermental progam to rehabilitate you of your condition"

another canned speech, like the one the nurse described to him about the hospital. He shuffles to the front of your bed and pulls out a clipboard with two folders in between.

"Now, lets get to discussing your changes" he seems excited and has a little giddy glint in his eyes as he shuffles from one page in the folder to another. This scares him.

"Your changes are similar to one other patient of ours, whereas your torso has been reduced and your spinal column rotated in an extreme manner. Most of your internal organs are intact with others having been reduced to suit your form, while others have simply vanished to make room" he extracts an photo of an X ray from the folder with several notes and arrows

"Most of your internal organs, such as heart, stomach and intestines have now been located behind your left buttock, your lungs now compose of thirty percent of your internal cavity, however have been deformed to suit the curvature of your body. they have been altered so that each "cheek" holds a small lung that is encased within stretchy pliable cartalige like your lungs resemble something of a fleshy webbing surrounded by large firm deposits of fatty tissue created to protect them"

"Additional changes seems to be your digestive system, you no longer have a stomach and you do not contain womb like a female should, you also do not posses a large intestine any longer, instead you have a large bladder, and an additional vagina complete with labia and clitoris where your anus once was, it seems you are no longer capable of solid food. since your changes are somewhat similar to another patient of ours you will be entered on her liquid diet regimen starting today, you wont need to eat much but you must have proper dosages of protein and vitamins"

Jim just nodded his head in silence stunned beyond words, what kind of life is this.

"It's all very fascinating really, well sorry but it's just me being a doctor, I get the chance to study and figure out all the subtlties and wonder of the transformees bodies, some of it is astounding in its intricacy, some of it is rather mundane like yours for example it seems like you were given a body system similar to an amphibian. Not that interesting like some of the others but you seem to fall under one of the three basic categories for a transformed"

"Im happy you're excited that Im nothing more than a human frog" ...He answered bitterly

"Wait you said there was someone like me?...and my voice.." he looked down with embaressment.

" Ah yes Gina, yes she has a similar modification, although hers is a little more complex, but very similar. and dont worry about your voice, we've noticed that in the full body transgender transformees, it takes a while for the new hormones, bodily functions and your vocal chords to catch up, sort of a mini puberty. Your voice should be adjusting to a normal tone with more use and time."

At least he wont sound like a child, a small ounce of hope perhaps, but what good is that if he was nothing more than a freak, but wait.

"You said something about a ...a foundation"

"Yes the Spears foundation, You'll meet them soon enough, you will be taken to the foundation for rehabiliation purposes and then given options and deciding what you would like to accomplish to alter or enhance your condition. Luckilly for you, you fall into the Physical transformee category, much easier to deal with."


"Yes, you see most transformees fall under three certain categories. Physical transformations such as yours include body modifcations such as you have and internal transformation, such as you have. They rework the body into something that is physically possible and able to exist without "Magical" assurance" He gestured while air quoting the "magical" part.

"Then there are the Dimensional transformees, these are transformed until the body is something beyond what is considered normal. We call it dimensional because physically its not possible to exist and be alive yet there remains a concious living being within, these are the most tragic of all of them, imagine trapped in something that was once your own body and nothing you can do or say, just some object, with a will and a brain"

" The Third is the Merger transformees, these are individuals that have been....combined into one another, sometimes its resmbles something like one body absorbing another, there are still traits of the other left behind, although in all cases we've had both retain a seperate consciusness. In other cases its something like a siamease conjoinment, two heads or two bodies etc, depending on the circumstances these could be the most difficult to treat"

"Now not to say that Max is a three trick pony, these are only the most common of transformees, however there are other differing cases, but it would best if you werent aware of those, some things simply arent decent." He let that warning linger in the air cryptically.

"I'm afraid I'm needed at the Ops base, so if you'll excuse me I'll send in Nurse Simms to prep you for your departure to Mrs. Spears foundation, have a good day Mrs. Tomes, I will be seeing within the week to perform a follow up physical exam."

And with that he pushed a call button on the side of the bed and was out the door.

All he could was sit there in the silence of the hospital room numbly digest all the information he was given.

A few minutes later he heard a soft rapping outside his bed.

Nurse Simms arrived looking somewhat agitated, she was fidgeting with her hands and she looked unsure of herself, in her hands she held a bundle of clothing, what looked to be a pair of black pants and various pairs of different womens underwear.

"I...I need to help you get dressed" she announced sadly.

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