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34. Dinner and a text

33. Checkout

32. Supermarket

31. Hometime

30. Daycare

29. Next morning (Alt)

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

Dinner and a text

on 2021-12-02 17:56:48

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As they walked into the house, Jon told Biff his diaper was soaked. He was no longer embarrassed about such things around Biff. If anyone could empathise with his situation it was Biff. Biff put the grocery bag into the kitchen and went upstairs to change Jon. Jon had gone up ahead of him, eager to get out of his childish clothes. Biff found Jon in his room wearing just his diaper. It was sagging quite a bit between his legs, obviously soaked. Biff urged him onto the changing table and quickly removed the diaper, cleaned Jon up and put a clean one on him.

"Why don't you put some pyjamas on Jon. I'm going to get out of these clothes and put my own jammies on. It's been a long day and it's already getting kinda late. I'll make something quick for dinner and then we should get an early night."

Jon agreed and Biff left him alone in his room. He walked over to his dresser, subconsciously rubbing the soft back of his diaper against his butt. He was relieved to be back in a dry diaper for now. He opened the drawer his pyjamas were in and looked at his options. They were all quite juvenile and girly but as he yawned he decided he didn't really have the energy to care right now. He had noticed he was getting tired a lot earlier in the day now and that was even after the long nap he had in daycare. Just wanting to get dinner over with so he could sleep, Jon picked out the first thing his hand touched. It was a short, pink nightie with ruffles around the sleeve and neckline. Jon couldn't believe how tired he was now feeling so he lazily stuck his arms in the sleeves and lifted it on over his head. He let it drop down. The hem of the nightie barely covered his diapered butt but he didn't really give it much thought. Instead he made his way downstairs, turned on the TV and sat down on the couch. He was quite the sight, slouching back on the couch with his legs spread wide, nightie bunched up around his waist, with his pink diaper on full display. Jon just flicked through the channels, hoping that Biff would call him in for dinner soon.

Biff, meanwhile had come back downstairs and was cooking some dinner. He had taken off his suit and bra but kept his panties on. Much like Jon he didn't really care what he wore now, he just wanted to be comfortable. So he had put on a pair of silk pyjamas. The pyjama pants were fairly tight on his legs but he had to admit the smooth material felt really nice as his legs rubbed off each other. The matching top had buttons up the front and long sleeves. It was form fitting too. He was happy to have taken his bra off but something felt a bit off to him to be walking around braless now. He had gotten so used to the feeling that going without now felt strange to him. He put these feelings aside as he dished up some food and called Jon to come in. As he waited for Jon he received a text message that took him a minute to comprehend. It was from a number that he didn't have saved in his phone and it said:

"Hey Biff. Sorry I haven't called you in a while. Just wanted to let you know I'm all set to take Jon for the weekend. I really meant what I said last time we spoke, I've gotten my shit together now and I'm ready to make this work. I want to support you and be the father that our little princess deserves. I'm going to prove to you that I can be a good dad and that I'm still the man who swept you off your feet once upon a time. I'll pick Jon up from daycare on Friday and maybe when I bring her back on Sunday we can talk a little bit? K"

Biff was dumbstruck. This must be Jon's dad or at least dad of the baby girl everyone saw Jon as. How would Jon react to this news? He'd be spending the weekend with someone who is essentially a stranger. And Biff would get the whole weekend to himself. He perked up a bit at this thought. It would be nice to get a break from all the diapers and everything. He'd have to thread carefully with Jon. He wouldn't mention it for now.

Just as Biff out down his phone he saw Jon walking into the room. He smiled at Jon who was wearing nothing but a shilort nightie and a diaper. He knew that really Jon was a 16/year old boy but he couldn't help but think that he looked adorable at that moment.

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