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37. Jon meets his dad

36. Weekend plans

35. After dinner

34. Dinner and a text

33. Checkout

32. Supermarket

31. Hometime

30. Daycare

29. Next morning (Alt)

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

Jon meets his dad

on 2021-12-03 06:14:26

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Jon distracted himself throughout the day, trying not to worry about spending a weekend with someone he never met before. Who was Ken? He hoped he'd be nice. He also wondered if Ken would understand Jon when he spoke. That could make things complicated.

Jon had made some friends in daycare who were all eager to pay with him throughout the day. If Biff could hear them he would have found it very funny as these other kids were just rambling and babbling away but Jon was talking normally to them, no longer worried about anyone noticing. To the teachers he sounded just like the other kids. A few random real words here and there but mostly just gibberish.

After the afternoon nap and a bit more playing Jon felt one of the teachers tap him on the shoulder. She said to him, "Your daddy has just parked up sweetie. Time to get ready to go. I bet you're going to have so much fun this weekend."

Jon made his way over to the door, eager to meet his "dad". When the door opened Jon was shocked by who came in. It was Karyn but she looked different. She was wearing a shirt and tie and a pair of slacks and very manky looking shoes. Her hair was short and judging by the movement under her shirt she was not wearing a bra. Karyns face lit up when she saw Jon and she crouched down and opened her arms up expecting a hug. Jon took the hint and ran to his friend, giving her a big hug. Jon spoke quietly to Karyn saying, "Karyn, thank God it's you. I've been having the craziest time. I've to pretend I'm a baby girl and Biff is my mom. Can you believe it? I'm so glad you're here. Maybe you can help me get back to normal."

Karyn just looked at Jon as he spoke to her. The linger he talked the less hope he had that she could understand him. She just hugged him and smiled at the teacher." Oh baby girl. I'm so happy to see you. And I'm glad you seem happy to see me too. We're gonna have so much fun this weekend."

Jon just looked at her and said, "Eh, Karyn, did you understand any of what I just said?" But all Karyn heard was "Dada, blub a bloo a gaga." Karyn just smiled at Jon again and tossed his hair a little bit.

Karyn took Jon's bag in one hand and held his hand with the other. She lead him out to the car and strapped him into a car seat. She started the car and started to drive to her apartment, chatting away to Jon the whole time but seeing him as her baby girl and not as her teenage friend. Jon wished he could text Biff to tell him but knew he'd find out soon enough. His emotions were mixed. He was happy to see Karyn but sad that she wasn't exactly herself right now. Karyn seemed to be living the life of this man, Ken and unlike Jon and Biff she seemed to be fully immersed in her new role.

After a few minutes, Karyn parked her car, grabbed the bag and came around to take Jon out. Jon was surprised when Karyn picked him up easily and held him in one arm. There was no way she would have been able to do that before but now she could do it with ease. Jon squirmed a little bit in her arms but she was able to hold him in place without any struggle. She walked into her building and took the elevator up to her floor. She carried Jon the whole way and brought him into her apartment to show him around.

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