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6. Let's get Karyn involved

5. Sarah punished Jon for slut sh

4. Sarah tests some more.

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah feels like getting a second opinion

on 2021-12-05 09:28:27
Episode last modified by broom11 on 2021-12-05 09:42:18

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"I wish you had to do exactly what I say for the next hour and that no matter what, you can not take the stone from me." Sarah said.
Jon knew he was in trouble before but he had hoped he could find a way to get the stone back from Sarah before she could cause too much trouble with it. Now it looked like that wasn't going to be an option.

“Sarah…” Jon began tentatively.

".Shut up." Sarah commanded absently, before going back to staring thoughtfully at the rock in her hand. when she finally looked at Jon, the smirk on her face doubled his worries.

“I wish your friend Karyn would appear beside you and couldn’t take the rock from me under any circumstances. ”
Both Jon and Sarah blinked, and when they opened their eyes again Karyn was standing beside Jon, dressed in panties and a t-shirt, her arm stretched out as if she was reaching for something.

“I wish Karyn had to do whatever I say for the next hour.” Sarah said before Karyn could recover from her sudden change in location. “Stay right there and don’t talk until I ask you something. Like: Why do you think Jon is naked right now?”

Karyn scowled “Because you seduced him, to get the stone, of course.”

“Hah. I already had the stone. But thanks for proving you two really are peas in a pod. because Jon her got it in his head too that just because I had a few boyfriends I must be desperate for his little dick. Hah. You two think you are so much better than me? Well think again.”
Sarah pointed a finger at Jon “Now tell me the truth Jon: Did you ever jerk off thinking of Karyn?”

“Yes.” Jon answered, his cheeks burning.

“Yes?’ That’s it?” Sarah mocked “Give us a few more details, Jon.”

“I… have been jerking off to her for years now. I have a folder with redheaded women on my PC, because I like to fantasize it’s Karyn sucking my cock. ”

“Redheads, hmm? That reminds me.” Sarah said, tuning to Karyn “Why did you wish to look more like me?”

“Because it’s just unfair, having half the school overlook that you are just a mean bully, because you happen to have great hair and big boobs.”

“Hah! You think it’s that easy! ” Sarah snorted derisively “ That all I need to do is wear a short skirt and show some cleavage and everything falls into place?! Don’t make me laugh. There is a fine line between looking your best and coming across as a slut. I worked hard at being the former but apparently…. she gave Jon a meaningful look “not hard enough. But” Sarah returned her gaze back to Karyn “if you think it is that easy, have at it. “ There was a flash as she whispered something ” I just made sure that while we are here, every time I tell you to change something about your bodies you’ll obey. For example: Karyn I want you to grow the biggest boobs in class.”

Karyn, who had been giving Sarah a defiant glare up until now, screwed her eyes shut in concentration and let out a small groan. And after a few seconds Sarah and Jon watched her wish-enhanced bust swell another cupsize.

Sarah let out a mean little snigger as she met Karyns gaze. “Oh, please. Everyone knows I don’t have the biggest breasts in school. ” the cheerleader explained, savoring the brief moment of confusion on Karyns face before moving in for the kill “Gladys Brewer does. “

The look on Karyns face as she mentioned their overweight classmate, was everything Sarah had hoped for. “Soo, ” the cheerleader drawled “you still have a ways to go.”

Karyn tried to protest, to shake her head. but all the wish let her do was screw her eyes shut again and push with all her might as her chest grew another inch. And another. And another. By the time they stopped, Karyn looked like a fanservice character from some video-game or comic, with her slim build and hefty bust.

When she finally opened her eyes again, Sarah gave her chest a long critical look, before nodding ”Yeah, those look about right. Not that Miss Piggy makes them look half as good as you do. I bet you won’t have any more problems with being overlooked at school, anymore. ”
She really wouldn’t, Karyn realized with dismay. With that kind of cleavage her chest would be the first - and probably only - thing people remembered about her.

“But they look a bit out of place on you. “ Sarah decided ” Go stand over there so we can get a better look at you. ”
It took Karyn a few wobbly steps to come to grips with her new top-heavy build, as she walked towards the spot in the middle of the room, that Sarah had indicated

“Now turn around” the cheerleader commanded after looking Karyn over.
“Yes, just as I thought we need something to balance out those melons. Something that will make guys just as glad to watch you leave as they’ll love to see go. I want you to get a pair of nice wide childbearing hips and the kind of ass guys will drool over. And make your boobs nice and perky while you are at it. “

“While we wait for that to happen. Tell me Jon, is there anything else that I could change about your friend that would make her sexier?”
“Errr, I liked her red hair better?” Jon finally answered. An answer that made Karyn quite happy. Sarah on the other hand looked less than pleased. “Really!? That is what you are going with?” she mocked “ ‘I liked her old look better.’ You are just trying to be nice to her, aren’t you? ”
“Well kinda.” Jon admitted “But I really do have a thing for redheads.”

“Ugh, well if you insist. I can always do something else later.” Sarah decided. “You heard him Karyn. Since you seem to be about done with that ass I want you to go back to being a redhead.”

As soon as Sarah said it, Karyn let out a groan as she tried to force her hair to go back to her original colour. Finally she collapsed to her knees, grunting “I can’t.”

“What do you mean: You can’t?! I told you to go back to being a redhead.” Sarah demanded, before realization hit her “Right! Can’t reverse wishes. You can stay a blonde for now. ”

“We’ll see about getting your hair back to normal later. Which is quite generous of me don’t you think? “ Sarah said with a small smirk as she walked over to Karyn and gently ran a hand along her blond tresses “ So I think…” Sarah continued as she gently pushed “ is time you learned to look up to me, as she put her hand on top of Karyns head and pushed down with gently pressure. And Karyn could feel her body respond to the nonverbal command, as everything about her shrunk slightly until she had to look up slightly to meet Sarahs eyes.
“There. 5’6’’ should do it.” she gave Karyn another apprising once over before declaring “You can sit back down beside Jon now. ”

“Don’t think I have forgotten about you, by the way.” Sarah said as she turned to Jon “ I just decided to use your friend here to teach both of you how grating it is when everybody just assumes stuff about you because of the way you look. Can you imagine what kind of rumors about her will be making the rounds in the next few weeks? . After all, you and I know Karyns cleavage is all natural. But good luck convincing the rest of the school she didn’t get some work done, over spring break.”

Jon and Karyn could imagine all to well what kind of locker-room talk Karyns bust would spark. The kind of attention she’d be getting. And not just from horny guys either. She’d probably draw a lot of judgemental looks too.

“ And that’s what’s at stake in the game I am about to propose: Karyn Blacks’ social life. ”

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