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13. W&W;: Interrupted

12. W&W;: Brent's turn

11. W&W;: Why do they keep drinkin

10. W&W;: What's the worst thing t

9. W&W;: ... and into the water?

8. W&W;: Out of the frying pan...

7. W&W;: Mating Season

6. W&W;: In more trouble

5. W&W;: Exploring the Tunnels

4. Unexpected help

3. Wierdness & Wizardry

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

W&W;: Interrupted

on 2014-10-28 03:37:49

1066 hits, 42 views, 1 upvotes.

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Athena held up the huge dildo that had been Brent's cock a few moments before, and gave it a gentle stroke with her other hand. Brent moaned and shuddered. A funny smile started to grow beneath Athena's pig-snout, when there was a sudden, loud THUMP! on the door.

"The goblins!" cried Stan.

"It's okay," moaned Brent, "they won't be able to get through that door."

As if on cue, there was another THUMP! and one of the wooden beams that made the door split open, showing a tiny sliver of metal that was undoubtedly some kind of an axe head.

"Shit!" said Brent and Stan together.

"We need to find a way out," said Zoe, and she immediately started examining the walls. There was no obvious exit from the room, apart from the door that the creatures were trying to break down. Zoe's huge penis kept rubbing against the smooth stone wall, distracting her from her search. The others started scrambling around the room as well, feeling the walls and the floor, hoping desperately that there was a secret door somewhere.

The banging on the door was coming faster now, and slivers of wood were starting to fall off of the door. Soon the creatures would have a big enough hole to see through.

Trying to force down his rising panic, Jon looked at the fountain. One of the symbols looked slightly different, almost as though it wasn't carved into the crystal like the others seemed to be. Jon walked over and pressed on the symbol. He heard a loud "click" and felt the fountain shift slightly.

"Guys! Over here!" he shouted, and began pushing on the fountain. Athena and Brent came over and helped, and soon one of the pools in the fountain drained out as a trap door opened in the bottom. What looked like nothing so much as a waterslide stretched into the darkness below.

Jon let go of the fountain, and the trap door started to slide closed. He pushed the fountain again, and the door opened up.

"If we're quick, we can slide down here and the door will close behind us!" he shouted. "If we're lucky, they won't even know where we went!"

Athena held the fountain so the door remained open, and pushed Brent in. With a surprised shout, he slid off into the darkness. "You next, Jon!" she shouted, pushing Jon after Brent.

Jon slid down the slide in total darkness, unable to see his hand in front of his face. The water was changing; now it had a slick, oily, lubricating quality to it. It was sluicing up into his asshole, and he was surprised and a little embarrassed by how good it felt. Terrified as he was, sliding for an interminable time in the dark, going who knows where, Jon felt his tiny dick hardening and milk streaming out of his massive tits as he got more and more turned on.

Behind him, Zoe and Stan slid down together, with Athena leaping through as soon as they were clear, tossing Brent's dildo ahead of her. The fountain snapped shut behind them, moments before the goblins tore down enough of the door to see into the fountain room.

The slide seemed to go on forever. They had no idea how long they were riding for, but they all became more and more aroused as the oily fluid coated their bodies and slid into their orifices. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they splashed into a shallow pool inside of what looked like a giant cage.

They clambered out of the pool, and a metal grate slammed down over the opening of the slide just after Athena came through. Brent's former dildo came sliding down last, and got stuck behind the grate, being just slightly too large to fit through.

The cage sat inside a larger room, lit by lanterns. The walls were lined with shackles and smaller cages that looked about seven feet tall and three feet wide. A large door stood ajar across from the main cage, but the cage itself didn't have any obvious doorway. The bars were too close together for even Brent to fit through.

The group looked at one another. The slick fluid coated their bodies like baby oil, highlighting every curve and muscle visible on their naked forms.

"Can... can someone grab my... my dick?" asked Brent, who was trying desperately to pull it through the grate. His arms were too short and his hands were too small, however, to get a good grip on the huge rubbery dildo.

Zoe was able to reach her narrow hand and arm through the grate, and grasped the dildo that looked exactly the same size as her own massive erection. She picked it up and maneuvered it so she could try to squeeze it through the grate lengthwise. As she drew it through, squeezing it between the bars, Brent fell down in the pool, body shaking in orgasm. A jet of white fluid shot out of the tip of the dildo and caught the surprised Zoe right in the face. To her credit, Zoe continued pulling the dildo through the bars without complaining. The base of the dildo was larger than the rest, with what looked like a sculpted scrotum filled with large balls on it. When this part reached the grate, Zoe had to give it a very hard tug to get it through. Brent yelled in pain and grabbed his smooth crotch, sputtering as the oily fluid of the pool splashed in his face.

Just then, the door to the room opened wider. A small, bald man in a white robe walked through, followed by a hulking, stupid-looking blond man wearing a black leather apron and and gloves, his face covered by what looked like a black surgical mask.

"Well well well," said the small bald man, "it looks like we have some new subjects in our laboratory, Rudolph."

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