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45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

43. Biff wakes

42. Jon wakes

41. Biff gets home

40. Biffs evening

39. Biff's day at work

38. First night at dad's

37. Jon meets his dad

36. Weekend plans

35. After dinner

34. Dinner and a text

33. Checkout

32. Supermarket

31. Hometime

30. Daycare

29. Next morning (Alt)

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

Karyn gets Jon dressed

on 2021-12-10 11:05:54
Episode last modified by belchest on 2021-12-10 19:38:47

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Jon found that his previous fears about being seen in public had been replaced by a sense of comfort and safety knowing that Karyn would take care of him and not let anything bad happen to him. He was in a very happy mood as Karyn removed his onesie to get him ready for a swim. She had laid a set of swimming togs out on the sofa for him, hoping she had guessed his size correctly. She lay him down on his back and took the onesie off him, easily lifting up both of his legs with one hand to slide it out from under him. She removed his diaper which for once was still dry and got up for a second, telling Jon to wait there while she got a swimming diaper from his room.

With Karyn gone for a second and feeling in a playful mood, Jon got to his feet and ran to hide behind the sofa. He thought little about the fact that he was completely naked, not even attempting to hide his junk as he ran. Hiding behind the sofa was harder than Jon had guessed. His newly acknowledged weakness and vulnerability had made him feel much smaller than he actually was. Still, he crouched down and leaned forward, trying to hide his whole body but only succeeding in hiding his legs and head. When Karyn came back in to the room she was greeted to the sight of Jon's naked butt sticking up in the air. In her mind, it was a very cute scene, a naked baby, thinking she was doing a good job of hiding but actually showing her baby butt off to the world. She decided to lay along saying in mock concern, "Oh no, where did Jon go?" Jon thought it was funny that she was playing along and a loud giggle escaped his lips. He jumped up with a loud "boo" and Karyn pretended to be frightened. She went over to Jon and picked him up, laying him down on the sofa and holding him in place with ease. Jon thought about running off again just for fun but when he tried he found it impossible to get out of Karyn's grip. She once again lifted Jon's legs and slid the swimming diaper under his butt. She closed the velcro straps on it and ran her finger around the seams to make sure it was on properly. Jon stayed on his back and looked down at the new diaper. It was a lot thicker than the ones he had been wearing and had a plastic coating on the outside.

Karyn put Jon's feet through the leg holes of his swimming togs and then sat him up. She pulled the togs up the rest of the way and put Jon's arms through the holes and the pulled the straps into place over his shoulders. The swimming togs were a pink one piece which had a ruffled skirt around the waist which did nothing to hide his diaper. Jon knew he should have felt embarrassed but he felt really cute to be dressed like this. He ran his hands over the material of the swimsuit, stopping to play with the ruffled skirt before continuing on and feekj g the extra thick padding on his butt. He climbed down off the couch now that Karyn was finished with him. Karyn grabbed her own bag and took Jon's hand, leading him outside.

Karyn lived in a more built up part of the town than Biff and she told Jon they were going to take a short bus ride to get to the gym.

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