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48. Biff's treatment

47. Biff hits the gym

46. Swimming

45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

43. Biff wakes

42. Jon wakes

41. Biff gets home

40. Biffs evening

39. Biff's day at work

38. First night at dad's

37. Jon meets his dad

36. Weekend plans

35. After dinner

34. Dinner and a text

33. Checkout

32. Supermarket

31. Hometime

30. Daycare

29. Next morning (Alt)

Biff's treatment

on 2021-12-12 12:52:34

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Biff's gym was just across a big parking lot from the mall so he decided to leave his car there and walk. He might grab a quick dinner in the mall and browse the shops. He dropped his bag into his car and headed for the mall.

As he walked he took stock of his situation. Looking down at himself he could see the shape of his bra giving his chest a feminine curve even though the cups of the bra were empty. His t shirt wasn't much different from the type he used to wear, the sleeves were a bit shorter and the neckline was a bit lower showing off a lot more of his chest. Biff stared at the hairs on his chest, they were in stark contrast to the clothes he was wearing but he was fairly sure no one else saw them. But if he was going to try to embrace his femininity a bit more maybe he should get rid of them. The same went for his legs which he looked down at. They were a bit constricted by his skirt which caused him to sway his hips a bit as he walked. His legs weren't overly hairy but for a woman they were definitely out of place going by current fashions. As he got close to the mall he walked passed a few stores on a strip out front. He stopped outside one, it was a beauty parlour. He paused for a minute, was he really going to go through with this, he thought? The gym had been eye opening for him. He could no longer count on his muscles to keep him safe, he would have to learn to develop his feminine charms. Most women seemed happy enough with their lot in life, they just approached things differently. Biff made up his mind, he would get some treatments now to help him along the path to femininity.

He adjusted his handbag on his shoulder as he entered the beauticians. He was greeted by a very friendly, very attractive woman. She asked what she could do for him. Biff was a bit nervous and said he wasn't really sure, he just wanted to treat himself and was open to suggestions. The woman looked him up and down and told him he was lucky. "You're very pretty," she said, "no offence but you just need a little refinement. Let me guess, you've got kids? We get a lot of mom's coming in who have trouble finding the time for their usual routine. But give us two hours and we'll have you feeling like your pretty, old self before you leave. The woman gave Biff a robe and showed him to a changing room. She told him to strip down to just his panties, or bra and panties if he felt more comfortable and to put on the robe and exit the changing room through the other door and someone would be waiting for him there.

Biff entered the changing room, not giving himself time to over think things and change his mind. He removed his t shirt and top, then decided to take off his bra too. It was funny, he actually felt a bit exposed without his bra now that he was out of the house. He folded his clothes neatly and put then in a little cubby hole with his handbag. He then out on the robe, which was one of the softest things he had ever worn, checked himself in the mirror and made his way through the next door.

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