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9. MYST: Sphinx standoff

8. MYST: Another fine wish

7. Mikey continues to change

6. Jon hears about Mikey

5. MYST: The Myst falls

4. A new Education

3. Puberty can be different

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

MYST: Sphinx standoff

on 2017-03-15 18:47:51

1688 hits, 88 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Aware Herm Myth Unaware

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Biff wasn't sure what was going on. Clearly he was.. disorientated. Drugs? Drink? Did he fall out of his bed? It.. felt like that was a possibility there was an awful stink.. it smelled rancid. The smell was everywhere and.. a new smell. He wasn't sure what it was. Was he still in his house? He had to get up He attempted a brief motion with his arms but moving did not even provide the normal feelings. His hands refused to move where he wanted them to, thrusting more forwards then anything else. His back ached. An instinct kicked in, human fear suspending any further actions until something new presented itself. One simple action.. he opened his eyes.

Biff saw things in strange hues and shades. His room was dark with light blocking curtains yet the soft stream of light was enough for him to see his very messy room. He glanced down-

"AAAHHH!" He- no- -she- screamed.

What happened to his body! She- she felt nothing human, nothing at all normal. A mass of fur that was more feline then anything else. Not that she could see as she fell off her bed- for real this time. The sound of claws scratching through the mattress made her ears twitch for some reason. She felt her new tail slide down the side, whisking itself to the side.

Then the door to her room opened. The light came on and- Biff was for a moment dazzled by the brightness. Made a sound that was half scream, a partial grunt-

"The F- Monster!" Shouted her father in a very scared tone.

That smell- urgh- what was that! It smelled like- did she 'really' just sense her father's bowls loosen?

"No- It's me-" Biff screamed trying to walk, stumbling on all fours as she crawled on the floor. Her wings now, dropping to the sides like a lame duck.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Her father screamed as he ran though the hallway, down the stairs and right out of the house.

Biff didn't have the energy to follow. She was lost.. confused and- perhaps just a bit broken hearted. This was of course, not the first time she had to be on her own and.. deal with something. She was just.. just sick.. yeah.. the virus- it turned her into a monster. However it had to be temporary like when she was young.

She stumbled back up again, trying to reach the bathroom. Her body felt huge.. she felt tears stinging her eyes. She tried to stand but- no- her body just wouldn't get up. She tried a few times before eventually just crawling to the bathroom, holding back her tears.

The smell- it was better now. Left over foods that were not quite so distasteful as what she smelled in her own room. The bathroom was clean and she allowed herself to relax in that somewhat familiar scent of soaps and water. She tried to crawl up the sink, her hands- no- these were paws. Like.. the paws of a lion.

Finally, she steadied herself somewhat to look at what the virus had done. "My.. face?" She was a woman.. more specifically, it was like the sister of her old body if not for the dark black hair, running down her cheeks and pointy cat ears at the top of her head. She turned her head left and right, focusing on that human part even if it was so very alien. It was the only human part she had and.. it was something she could hold onto- but then she saw the rest of herself, straining as she did on her front paws to the sink,

There was a lot of light yellow fur. It was.. it looked so much like an animal. Nothing human there. She wanted to pull her face away from it all. She felt an odd.. jiggle down her front and was surprised to see she had breasts. She cringed a bit as she felt her grip slide slightly, causing them to jiggle. "What.. no.. No no.. no no no no .. NO no no! NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

She closed her eyes and opened them again, trying to see something different.. her wings- she had wings? They were huge! One of them was still dangling through the door. She lifted them up a bit, the other getting snagged into the toilet. "OH FOR FU-"

She yanked her wings back, thinking she had to try and pull them inward. With a thought, they suddenly folded to her sides. She gasped a bit at the feeling of strange black feathers on her sides. "Get- get them off me!" She roared-

Finally though she just collapsed..down by the sink. She cried..

Blue lights flashed outside as the police congregated on the residence.

There was some concern on just how best to enter the house. "It was a monster!" said Biff's father. "You got to get it out of there!"

"It might just be a victim of the Myst virus," Said the police officer in reply. "We'll go in and have a talk with them. Let's try calling the house phone."

Biff glanced outside at the blue lights. "Oh shit," she whispered. Not a problem.. she just had to..

The phone started ringing.

Biff glanced around. Was it the police? Well- she get to the living room. She looked at the stairs she had to somehow go down and for a moment bulked. How was she supposed to crawl down that? She tenatively put a paw down but the bulk of her body felt so heavy- or was it? She had no idea! Panic gripped her. She had to get to the phone!

"No answer on the phone " said the police officer.

"I'm telling you it's a monster that robbed my house!" Said Biff's father. "It tried to kill me! If it were a victim it wouldn't have growled like that."

The police officer paused for a bit. "Hm.. let's try ringing the phone a few more times..."

Biff wasn't sure how to go down the stairs. Of all the things to stop her! The phone- it kept on ringing. They must want to talk to her? She had to try and get downstairs. She took a step.. that was easy. Then another.. Her two front paws were now down about three steps. She put her third leg down-

then suddenly she fell. She flopped and rolled, wincing as she landed with a mighty thump onto the ground. "RAGH!" She roared, as the vibrations almost shook the house.

" you hear that?" Said the police officer now very tense. That roar.. that was like an animal about to get its meal. " get the tranquillisers out. We might have a.. dangerous one. Has the phone been answered yet?"

His colleague a young woman shook her head. "Been ringing it, but nothing "

"Hm.. try another minute.. wait for the backup to arrive..."

Biff shook her head. She crawled to the ringing phone. It was one of those mobile handset lookalikes. It was standing on a side table in the living room. You just had to hold it and- "FUCK!" she glanced to her paws. Huge as they were, she couldn't hold a phone with them! She tried to slide it out of the charging station with her paws but this wasn't easy as she had to use one of her paws to stand up and support herself on the table too. The constant ringing made her wince a bit. She had to push the button- maybe if she could just reach it with her nose- but it was just too far away.

She had to just push it to the ground. She lunged at it, and with a quick swipe of her paws-

the cord was cut.

".. phone just went dead sir," said the woman officer gravely. "What's going on in there?"

"I'll try to talk it out," said the male officer.

"Backup has arrived now. We got tranquillisers and can deploy them." said the woman.

"Just get that creature out of my house!" Said Biff's father. "I think it killed my son."

"It might -be- your son," said the male officer.

"The hell with that, the myst probably screwed up his brain then. I swear it attacked me."

"Let me try and talk to him..." the officer brought out a megaphone.

Biff gasped as the phone was now dead. What could he do now? Then he winced as he heard a voice, electronically amplified go into his living room. This nightmare just wasn't ending!

"Would the person, inside the house, please come out. We just want to talk to you."

Biff frowned. She- go out? She- she was naked! She glanced down to her bare lioness like form, suddenly acutely aware. She didn't want to let anyone see this. Hell they might even be televising this! Biff frowned as she thought she could open the door maybe just a crack. She crawled to the front door, going past the window, reaching up to the latch- but now again she struggled to open it. She couldn't turn it!

".. any sign of it?" Asked the male officer.

"The tranquilliser units say they saw it near the window but it was quite low.. probably crawling so we can't shoot sir? Look- it's banging on the front door..."

Thump Thump

The officer looked troubled. What if.. the mist had indeed messed him up it hasn't happened before but "Okay.. let's go in let's give it one last chance..."

Biff tensed as she sensed movement. She just wanted to get some clothes- get away- find some kind of dignified way out of this situation but-

"This is your last chance, please step outside with your hands up."

Biff looked completely baffled. "I- I can't!" She screamed. She had no hands, she couldn't even raise them up her body. She just-

Then suddenly the front door was forced open. Biff fell backwards as she saw tranquilliser trained on her. She coward down in distress. "Don't shoot don't shoot I surrender!"

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