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16. Mist: Meeting the new class

15. Mist: First day in class

14. MYST: Biff's back

13. MYST: Biff's new life

12. MYST: The young Harpy

11. A neighbor comes calling...

10. Biff returns home, no sign of

9. MYST: Sphinx standoff

8. MYST: Another fine wish

7. Mikey continues to change

6. Jon hears about Mikey

5. MYST: The Myst falls

4. A new Education

3. Puberty can be different

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Mist: Meeting the new class

on 2017-07-03 17:27:01

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Biff was -not- going to cry. It was bad enough she was a girl outside, she certainly didn't want to show any emotion on the outside. The day was going.. as well as she expected. That is, it was quite possibly the worst day so far of her life. The rational part of her was asking her what she expected to happen? For love to conquer all barriers? Love was fickle, especially so in the life of a teenager. Sarah could have -anyone- and it would be like Biff never happened. Naturally he asked what would have happened if the situation were reversed and Sarah grew a penis..

'I'd have dumped her too', she realised with mixed thoughts on that conclusion. He-She was attracted to her body was that honestly so wrong? She was attracted to his body too. Was there nothing of the mind that they liked in each other? Given that was the only continuation they had for this, there had to be something there! It dawned on him how little she actually knew of Sarah. A cheerleader to a jock who liked croissants for breakfast. Her favourite subject in school was was

"I've no idea." Biff realised quietly and alone in the locker room. She stared at the locker and her massive paws. The damage to it was significant. Se doubted it would lock again. Grumbling she slammed the door as it made another squeak and headed to her classroom.

The hallways were emptier then normal. Probably because of all the growling she had done. She hated this... it was like she was still that young child earlier in the week. That form was short and even though she was back to her normal age, she still somehow felt the slight reminders of that state while gazing up at everyone. It was not -quite- the same.. she could see small breasts down below, and the occasional glimpse of those huge cat-paws as they trampled on the hard floor.

Then she saw someone she didn't expect. Jon.. simple plain Jon who was barely in any social circle at all. Not quite smart enough to be a nerd, not sporty enough to be a jock, and seemed bland enough to be 'best friends' with some girl he had known since early childhood. "what are you staring at.."

Jon gulped. "Well- to be honest, I I don't think wearing clothes suit you."

"You got a lot of balls today saying that," Biff snarled.

" I'm sorry," Jon whispered somehow- somehow saying it with such heartfelt sorrow that even Biff was taken aback by it. What game was he playing?

"Yeah- okay- I admit it, the clothes don't work. Sarah said the same. What am I supposed to do? Go naked?"

Jon glanced down at that. "Mikey- well- we had the opposite problem there. She didn't see any point in pants."

".. Mikey? Your brother? He's become a freak too?"

Jon winced. "She's turned into a harpy Jon nodded. "I don't really know... Maybe you could just try it, I don't think anyone is going to care." Jon hoped he said the right things to the distraught girl.

The whole concept of walking into class naked flashed by Biffs eyes. The horror of it this was a nightmare. Though Jon did have a point, as did Ms Collins who advised her from the very start that going out like this would be a bad idea. It was only Biff's stubbon pride that she eventually relented and helped her into wearing something for her back legs. Something to cover up her terrible shame of of being this creature. However what exactly was that proving? Biff didn't want to look like a victim or be shamed... all she had done was provide the fuel for people to taunt her. Taunting her for something she 'did' rather then for 'who' she was.. and perhaps the difference was small but it was different. What would be better? Walking with this stuff seen, or walking as an animal with ill-fitting clothes... "Hmph- fine."

Biff started to tug at the shorts that adorned his back legs with the hole running through it. "Urgh- it's stuck-" she growled. She tried to reach her with her front paws and back legs to keep on tugging at it but-

"Do you want me to help?" Jon asked sheepishly.

"Screw you! I can do this!" Biff snarled again as the pants slipped a bit down and tugged on the lion's tail- which she started to bend and move to take off the clothing. If she was a real lion maybe she could use her teeth but- no- God no- she wouldn't use her teeth like she was some animal. Her back paws managed to tear parts at the side but... the clothes were on her by an elastic band.

"Biff? Just- let me-" Jon asked after a couple of minutes of extreme awkwardness at the girl just struggling with it.

Biff growled again. This was taking too long. She had to get to class now. "Fine! Use your stupid human hands and get this off me."

Jon grasped at the shorts and tugged- when finally got the pants off, sliding it from Biff's tail.

When suddenly he heard a click of a small camera. "Wow, I smell an internet meme here!" James laughed. The jock had just recorded Jon grabbing Biff's shorts to pull them down. The potential embarasment of this..."Well Biff, good to see you're surrendering to your girly desires! Oh the looks on your faces its priceless" he smirked as the images got stored on a server.

Jon gasped at James. "Hey- what do you think you're doing?!"

"Nothing at all," James grinned. "I could ask what you're doing. Now I'm not sure if that's just as gross as it looks, or something else. Anyway I'm off to class, later freak."

Biff shook her head in violent rage. " day isn't over yet," she said to Jon. "If I were still human Jon, I have no idea what I would do to you.. I just want to get to class."

Mikey was lead to her new classroom. Her eyes wondered about all the students. The most remarkable thing was how they were all her own age, and so obviously not human. The most 'human' looking was probably the elf boy, who was quite out of place amongst a sitting stone statue. Behind him there were two girls chatting away. One was a wolf girl half human, half wolf. Despite this though, she had large expressive eyes that somehow conveyed more humanity then the rest of her features would let on. Her fur was a light grey and she was wearing a normal blue dress not that much unlike Mikey.

The girl the wolf was talking to though couldn't be more different. She seemed to have a carapace shell of red. Some kind of insect? She was probably a lady bug, but her face was human looking encased as she was in this huge dome that was her natural exo skelliton.

There were also quite a few boys in this classroom. One young boy was a cat. The cat-boy was wearing a normal shirt and had a distinctive tail down his chair. Small whiskers on his black fur and features. Mikey noticed the chairs here were designed to allow for tails.. or at least a greater degree of variable body types. One thing she didn't expect was for one boy to be a merman. However- though he was a boy, his tail was surprisingly feminine with the pink scales and delicate features of it. Mikey gave him a somewhat strange look without meaning to.

They all turned to see Mikey. "hey it's a Mythy!" the cat-boy exclaimed.

"Uh- Hi.." Mikey waved her wing to them.

"Wow she's got real wings! Do they work?"

"Of course they work don't be silly-" the bug-girl said. "Hi!" She smiled.

Though mikey had her eyes drawn to the desk of this new classroom. "Where is.. the teacher? Miss Stella?" The desk had a lot of.. strange magnifying lenses. This in itself shouldn't be too unusual, but.. it looked like they were attempting to draw focus on something. Mikey's eyes were quite sharp and without those lenses she could see the figure, standing right on the middle of the desk. A small fairy with delightful green hair, wearing a backless dress. Two dragon-fly like wings on her back as she stood on toned legs.

Miss Stella smiled as she floated up. "Well Hello there Mikey! I'm your new teacher, Amelia Stella." She hovered in front of Mikey's face for a bit and gave a little bow. It was probably the only greeting she could do.

"Uh- nice.. to meet you..." Mikey said returning the bow, her back feathers rising upward a little in the gesture.

"Please take a seat. Let's have a look at your record..."

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