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51. Toy Store

50. Biff's Secret

49. Biff finishes his treatments

48. Biff's treatment

47. Biff hits the gym

46. Swimming

45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

43. Biff wakes

42. Jon wakes

41. Biff gets home

40. Biffs evening

39. Biff's day at work

38. First night at dad's

37. Jon meets his dad

36. Weekend plans

35. After dinner

34. Dinner and a text

33. Checkout

32. Supermarket

Toy Store

on 2021-12-31 09:22:47

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Karyn was still quite underprepared so she didn't have a pushchair for Jon. Leaving the gym she instead picked him up with ease and held him with one arm, balancing him on her hip. She was enjoying the appreciative glances she got from any women she walked past, who were impressed to see a doting father carrying a cute baby girl.

It was only a short walk to the toy store. Karyn had promised to buy Jon a toy. She wanted to make up for lost time with him. She let Jon down once they were inside the store and decided to let him wander around until something caught his eye. Jon waddled a little bit as he walked, the diaper causing his legs to spread a little bit. Out of habit he headed straight for the video game section but Karyn just thought that was funny and she held his hand and guided him towards the toys more suited to a two year old. Jon tried to resist but Karyn had a good grip on his hand and was easily able to overpower him. As they walked down an Isle full of dolls and soft toys, Jon found it all very boring. Karyn was pointing out lots of toys as they walked but Jon wasn't biting. Eventually, he realised he'd have to pick something sooner or later, he settled on a small set of building blocks. Karyn was happy a decision had been made and carried the box to the checkout. Jon followed close behind her, feeling a bit vulnerable out in the world.

The cashier greeted Karyn and then smiled at Jon while she rang up their purchase. Karyn thanked her picked the box up in one hand and picked Jon up in the other and they headed out. They crossed the street to where there was a bus stop and made the short journey home.

Once home Karyn set Jon down in the middle of the living room and opened the new blocks for him. Jon thanked Karyn and not wanting to be rude busied himself with the blocks while Karyn went to the kitchen to get started on dinner. While playing Jon was repeatedly sitting down and standing up. He was very aware of his thick diapered butt as he moved. The shorts, combined with the diaper were much tighter than the baggy clothes he used to wear. He rubbed his butt through the shorts, amazed at how the diaper curved around his butt and caused the shorts to bulge. The front of his shorts had a similar bulge and as Jon was inspecting them he felt himself once again peeing uncontrollably, soaking his diaper and making them bulge a little bit more. Annoyed at himself for his lack of control Jon started to get upset. He heard himself start to whimper and although he tried to reason with himself he felt his emotions taking over. He stood up straight and felt another rush of pee m, further filling the diaper and before he could react rationally and just ask Karyn to change him he felt himself burst in to tears and start to wail.

Karyn rushed back into the room seeing Jon standing there, bawling crying and fussing with his diapered crotch. She reassured him everything was OK and quickly scooped him up and brought him into his room to change his diaper. Jon eventually settled down and now started to feel a bit embarrassed about how he had over reacted. He tried to explain himself to Karyn but, again, she showed no sign of understanding him. Once he was calm Karyn Brough him back to the kitchen and fed him some dinner.

Time had lost meaning for Jon the last few days, it wasn't important to him anymore as someone else was always there to take care of his every need. Before he realised it was getting late, he felt his eyes growing heavy and his thumb had gone automatically into his mouth. He was drifting in and out now and barely noticed Karyn changing him or tucking him into bed. The last thing he remembered was her kissing him in the forehead and leaving the room.

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