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3. Track Star

2. Magic Jockstrap

1. You Are What You Wish

Track Star

on 2007-02-16 06:22:32

969 hits, 23 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Body Swap MTF Magic NBM

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I was running as fast as I could, I could see the finish line, almost there.

I used one final burst of energy to sprint past the finish line and collapsed in a heap on the track. The baton fell out of my hand as my three teammates mobbed me, whooping with excitement.

I finally had a chance to catch my breath, gather my thoughts, and I realized I had no idea where I was or what I was doing. Wait, I did know what I was doing. I just finished the 4x400 relay. The confusion was quickly flooded out of my mind as I realized what just happened. The jockstrap, the stone, it worked!

I looked around the building. The other runners were milling around the track, catching their breath, drinking water. The stands were half-full with people. One of my teammates hugged me. "Awesome leg, Jeremy," he yelled. "You put it away for us!"

I couldn't believe it. Somehow I knew that I was Jeremy Wariner, I was in England competing with the US track team. I looked down at my body, but it didn't look like my body at all. I was filled with lean, strong muscle. My calves were bulging. I was wearing the same blue singlet as my teammates and a pair of adidas shoes. The bib across my stomach had my last name on it, "Wariner". This was incredible! I was actually in the body of a world-class track star!

I ran my hands through my hair and found that instead of the thick head of hair I was used to, my scalp was buzzed. I pulled myself away from my jubilant teammates and wandered over to the side of the track. The excitement of our win was starting to wear down and the athletes around me looked like they were beginning to get ready for their next event.

I walked over to an area where some other guys looked like they were training, stretching and jogging around. I had to see what this body could do. I started sprinting down the track. I couldn't believe how fast I could run! I had never felt anything like it.

I ran back to the other side, when one of my coaches walked alongside me and gave me a pat on the back. "Hell of a day, Jeremy," he said. "You're all done, so why don't you head back to the team room. There's a couple more events before the medal ceremony."

He gave me another pat on the back and I started to walk over towards the tunnel back to the locker rooms. For an instant, I was surprised that I knew exactly where to go, but then I realized that it was part of my wish. I was Jeremy Wariner. I knew what he knew.

I got back to the locker room and saw myself in the mirror for the first time. It caught me off-guard at first, seeing a person that was different from the one I saw in the mirror for my whole life. I studied my new face and looked again all over my body. I felt incredible in this sleek, powerful body.

I decided to take a shower before the medal ceremony and take some time to explore this new body. I looked around and saw the locker room was empty. I took off my shoes and slipped out of my singlet, revealing a strong chest and slighly defined abs.

I was wearing compression shorts underneath that gave a hint as to what was hiding inside them. I reached into the shorts and felt an impressive cock. I couldn't believe I was actually feeling this cock on this body with these hands.

I got up and slid the compression shorts off my legs, having a look at my new manhood, when I began to feel light-headed.

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