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3. Jon has something to say

2. The Next Day

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon has something to say

on 2007-03-25 08:23:40

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Karyn continued to look on in shock. When she eventually regained the ability to talk, she sputtered out, "Wh... what did I just do? I thought you'd just be standing here in your underwear not mine..."

Jon started blushing like mad. "They aren't yours... they're mine."

"But... What?"

"I'll explain later! Just give me the stone!" He grabbed it roughly from Karyn's hand. "I wish I wasn't in public!" Nothing happened. "I wish I was home!" Still nothing. Jon was starting to panic. Jon closed his eyes and shouted, "I wish I was wearing clothes!" Another gust blew around Jon and Karyn.

Jon slowly opened his eyes. He felt a soft material on his chest and legs. "Thank God... It worked." Karyn was looking at him, still wearing a slightly shocked look. "What?" He looked down at himself. "Oh, damn it!"

He was dressed exactly as Karyn was, a fancy yellow dress and no shoes. He felt a slight pressure around his crotch and knew he was still wearing panties. "Damn it..." He whispered.

"Why did it give you that dress? And why did you say they were your panties?"

"I-" Jon started to say, but he was interrupted by the soft sound of someone walking across the pavement towards their location. Jon could just see the top of a shiny bald head coming towards them. "We've got to hide! It's Mr. Purll!" Karyn adopted a look of fear equal to Jon's, grabbed Jon's hand, and started to run away from the sound of the footsteps. They went through a set of heavy doors, into a deserted hallway, just managing to close the door as a man walked around the corner of the wall they were standing near.

Mr. Purll, the bald, surly phys ed teacher, was walking, absorbed in a stack of papers he was holding. He continued down the path along the wall, probably heading towards his office. Unfortunately for Jon and Karyn, the path it seemed he would be taking there would include going through the hallway they were hiding in now. Jon realized this quickly, having been taken to that office several times. He franticly whispered to Karyn, "We can't stay here long! We've got to hide in a room!" He grabbed Karyn's hand and dragged her quckly through the first door he saw.

Once he and Karyn were inside, Jon leaned against the door to make it close faster. The knob clicked shut shortly before they heard a door in the hallway squeak open, followed by footsteps going down the hallway, which eventually faded away. Jon slid down the door onto the floor with a sigh of relief. "Man, that was close. I don't know how I'd explain this to anyone who saw me. Especially Purll, I swear he's got a vendetta against me." He looked up at Karyn and noticed she was staring down at him. "What?"

"First," She pointed down at Jon's crotch. "I can see your panties." He quickly shifted his legs so he was sitting on them. "Second, I want you to tell me why you said they're yours."

Jon blushed again. "Th- the truth is..." He gulped. "The truth is I bought them. One time we were hanging out in the mall, you were looking through a department store for new clothes, and we walked past the ladies underwear section and I thought they were really cute, so... after your mom came to pick you up, I went back and bought them. I don't know why, but I did, and they've been sitting in my dresser ever since..." Jon stood up, slightly shaking. He looked around the room they had fled into. Jon sighed. "And of course, of all the rooms I could have picked, I find the girl's room."

They were standing in a girl's restroom, the floor was tiled pink, as were the walls, and the stalls were much cleaner than any restroom in the school Jon had ever seen.

Karyn looked at her watch. "We should get out of here," she said. "Give me the stone, I have an idea." Jon agreed and handed the stone over. Karyn held the stone close to her breast and said, "I wish Jon would blend in more until we get home." A slight breeze ruffled the skirts of their dresses.

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