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3. A little revenge

2. A call in the night

1. You Are What You Wish

Revenge is sweet...

on 2007-03-29 03:44:54

2296 hits, 116 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware Body Swap FTM MC MTF Musc Myth Part Theft SciFi Super TF Unaware

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"I wish Jon would want to wear girl's training pants instead of his usual underwear, not because he had to, but because he wanted to." She giggled to herself. This was going to be good. She lay down in her bed and managed to find a position she could sleep in. She couldn't wait to see what would happen.

Jon woke before his alarm went off. Something felt odd. He was feeling too confined, but how? He was wearing boxers, like he always did. He stood up and took them off, but now he was filled with an odd desire. He wanted... to wear girl's training pants? That was weird... but he still wanted to do it. He looked at the clock, which read 6:04 AM. His mother wouldn't be up for another hour and a half. Jon put on sweatpants and a t-shirt and headed out of his room.

He headed down the hallway towards his little sister's room. She had recently come out of potty training, but maybe they still had some in the closet outside her room. He reached the closet, grinning hopefully, and opened the door. Inside, he found some of her baby clothes, some toys, but no training pants. He deflated dejectedly, but he was still determined to fulfil his desire. He headed back to his room, grabbed his wallet from his dresser, exited his room, and headed downstairs and out the door.

He walked with a quickened pace down the road. He would buy some from the 24-hour drug store nearby. Soon, he reached the store and went in through the automatic door. The cool air conditioning hit his face like a wave, chilling the slight amount of sweat on his face. He avoided the clerk's eye as he headed in search of the baby supply aisle.

He reached the aisle of his desire and was overcome with joy. There, before him, were rows and rows of different kinds of diapers and training pants. He wished he could buy them all, but he knew he didn't have enough money for more than two packages, so he decided on one that had cartoon princesses on the front designed to disappear when the child wet herself and one package of normal pink ones. Both came in packages of ten.

Jon tried to calm himself down before he went to pay. It would be too odd if a teenage boy was buying little girl's pull-ups very happily at six-thirty in the morning. He would calm down, go to pay trying to look sullen and tired, and, if the clerk asked, Jon would say that his mother told him to go buy them quickly. He wandered around the store for a little while, trying to look like he was looking to see if there was anything else he needed, until he was calm enough, then walked up to the checkout counter. The clerk looked incredibly tired, and it seemed she didn't register what she was ringing up, and so she didn't look twice at Jon. Jon handed her the money necessary and quickly left the store with his bulky purchases.

Jon raced down the street, glancing down at his watch. It was 6:55. He still had some time to get home before his mom was up.

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