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3. the Bracelet of Invisibility

2. Sarah McMillan got a letter fr

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah's Letter: the Bracelet of Invisibility

avatar on 2022-01-17 07:55:43
Episode last modified by Ms. Cork on 2022-01-17 18:38:45

608 hits, 86 views, 4 upvotes.

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Sarah McMillan clicked to return to her inbox and made a McKayla Maroney face at her screen for a few seconds. Then she shrugged her shoulders, walked over to her vanity, and opened the drawer where she'd put that ugly, ugly porcelain egg all those months ago.

Then she smashed it. And what was inside made her gasp.

It was a woven bracelet. Well, a woven bracelet and a folded sheet of paper. The bracelet was made of three thin strands of brown leather, interlocked into a circular braid, and the sheet of paper looked like it had been torn out of a notebook. Ignoring the shards of egg for the moment, Sarah picked up the bracelet and read the paper:

Sarah, this is a Bracelet of Invisibility. While wearing it, you will be completely invisible. I promise, no Sauron, no ring wraiths. You will remain invisible for as long as you wear the bracelet, and the effect will end the moment you take it off, and it will affect any clothing that you happen to be wearing. Go on, test it out.

Sarah donned the bracelet, and it seemed to tie itself around her wrist. And then she was invisible.

Sarah looked around her room, then over at her vanity mirror. The reflection was empty. No Sarah to be found!

The girl tiptoed down the stairs, being sure to make as little noise as possible, and made her way to the kitchen, where her mother was making a cup of tea.

Susan McMillan's attention did not leave her mug even as her daughter walked right up to her. Entered her field of vision. Waved in front of her face.

Sarah practically danced around the kitchen until she felt she could no longer stifle her giggles and quickly (but quietly) retreated back to her bedroom, where she burst into laughter.

"Sarah," her mom called from downstairs. "What's so funny?"

"Oh," the girl gripped at the bracelet and it seemed to untie itself in her hand, which suddenly became visible once more. "It's just this meme that Tiffany posted on Insta."

"Alright, well try not to be too loud. I've had a long day."

"Sorry, Mom." But Sarah hadn't really heard what her mother had said. her attention was firmly on the strands of leather that she held in her hand.

She was going to have some fun with her new bracelet.

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