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2. Witness Protection Bureau

1. The Drafting Board

Witness Protection Bureau

on 2022-02-07 08:03:47
Episode last modified by Beta on 2022-02-07 08:11:15

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Witness protection, once a simple service provided by the The U.S. Marshals Service has grown into its own bureau that rivals the size of the FBI. Their funding has also increased along side their growth working with all different branches of the government and law enforcement to help keep witnesses and agents safe. Most of their budget actually goes into their lab research and supplies, because the main reason for their massive growth is a not so well known fact. That the government has made some massive breakthroughs in nanotechnology years back and using these tools have gained the ability to change peoples appearance on a genetic level.

One small vial about the size of a marker is able to completely rewrite a person's DNA down to skin color, eye color, age, fitness level, flexibility, gender, eye sight, really any physical feature you can name. Once a vile is injected into a person it will completely transform them in a matter of seconds to minutes, but once the nanobots are used on a person it will take about a month or so before it is safe for their body to be changed again, mean anyone who goes into hiding or undercover using this method will be in that form for 30 days at the very least.

Most of the time the bureau will even allow the people going into protections to design their own bodies and choose the sort of life they will be living. The bureau provides a backstory, identity, job, home, clothes, furniture, and mostly everything needed to live these lives. Though in some cases based on limits in funds, availability, notice, timelines, government bureaucracy, and honestly more often then not it's really just up to the agent who is handling the case's digressions.

For extra security only one person in the bureau is ever aware of the people who are in protection's existence and thus they don't get to really see or ever interact with anyone else besides their assigned agent. Though some times for what ever reason this might vary but this is at least the way it typically goes or is supposed to go.

Since this process requires a lot of trust and cooperation many people are offered the option to keep these lives once the case is settled and in many cases people do accept the deal, but again this too might not always be on the table for what ever reason. A shady organization like the WPB is able to get away with a lot of different things considering it's secretive structure.

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