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I think I asked this before

on 2014-05-11 18:32:27

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Uhh, I have somewhere I want to go with what I have been writing I am just wondering, There are really good stories out there with really unique backgrounds...I'd like to use some of them, not in detail. I mean The story I am thinking on leaves open the opportunity to access other Earth's or indeed other potential Timelines, I.E Other storylines. If I come up with an idea that relates more to the sampled story than the one currently working on, I will branch a link to original and continue from there.

I don't want to spoil any, but I was wondering if anyone had an issue with me sampling some "Worlds" for the story I am on. I'd like to have some sort of chase scenario at one point or an exploration of the rift if I get round to it to make the characters stronger before facing off with the ultimatum. And with the Huge number of potential branches/world Scenarios the choices for other worlds are not limited and it would be easier than coming up with a new twist for each one, I have already sampled a large part of the future of gaming as I originally wanted it to be a story inside that section but felt that I could relate to the Jon storyline more and had more flexibility even if a good chunk of the story ends up utilising The FOG world.

So any Story's I sample wouldn't alter any existing story's it would essentially be filler that I could relate back to. Some of the additions I have made previously were adaptation of Someone else's story and hence I added a note to each of them saying who it came from but in this case I would want to use them or pull potential characters (New, no wrecking any story's) from them on a more frequent randomized basis therefore making the a little too many citations. After each one that I use to a lot of someone else's story I will add a branch with a link to the beginning of that line for anyone wanting to read further on that area of story.

I am not really paying attention to what I am writing at the moment so I am probably saying something offensive or repeating myself but I will try harder in story's. Alot of me wanting to do something like this was because I have a lot of material I half did for other storylines but never added which can be adapted now to fit into this one

I know there is a unique do what you want with this website but in this case I reckon its a little more intrusive than just adding to another storyline however I like...Kinda lost my train of thought...I don't really intend on doing anything soon due to commitments but when and if I get around to it I'd like to know if it was open.

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