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58. Bath

57. Snack Time

56. Karyn leaves

55. Coffee

54. The door

53. Biff wakes

52. Biff's Girly Evening

51. Toy Store

50. Biff's Secret

49. Biff finishes his treatments

48. Biff's treatment

47. Biff hits the gym

46. Swimming

45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

43. Biff wakes

42. Jon wakes

41. Biff gets home

40. Biffs evening

39. Biff's day at work


on 2022-03-05 07:31:00

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Biff carried Jon upstairs and ran a bath for him. As he carried Jon the mess on Jon had gotten onto Biff's dress. When Biff put Jon down and started filling the bath he noticed the stain on his dress. He would have to change but he felt strange about leaving Jon alone so instead he just pulled his dress off and continued to get the bath ready. Jon didn't think twice about seeing Biff standing before him in just a bra and matching panties. He did notice that Biff's body was completely hairless and his skin looked very soft. But looking at him objectively, he felt Biff was appropriately dressed. He didn't really see him as a teenage boy anymore, instead seeing him as a beautiful, feminine creature, the type he aspired to grow up into when he let his babyish emotions overtake him.

Biff sat his panties butt on the closed toilet seat and motioned for Jon to come over to him. He reached down and opened the velcro straps on Jon's diaper and let it fall to the floor between his legs. No longer have any sense of modesty Jon simply giggled and turned full circle to show Biff his butt. This got a laugh out of Biff who gave Jon a playful swat on the butt before picking him up and sitting him into the bath.

Jon hadn't physically shrunk at all but the bath felt massive to him. He wasn't sure if he still had enough strength or coordination to climb out by himself but he soon let these worries go, knowing Biff was with him for any help he needed. He splashed the water a little bit and played with some of the toys. Normally, these kind of things wouldn't amuse him but something about his new carefree mindset made the toys seem like the most fun things in the world. He barely even noticed as Biff lifted up his arms and sponged him down, cleaning him thoroughly.

After a while the water started to feel a bit cold and Jon asked Biff to take him out. Biff wrapped a towel around Jon and cradled him in his arms. He drained the tub and carried Jon info his room. He dried him off fairly quickly, eager to get a clean diaper on him before any accidents. Once his diaper was on, Biff asked Jon what he'd like to wear. Jon thought about putting on his sweatpants and a t shirt like he had been doing in the past but they no longer really appealed to him. He had been treated fully like a baby for the whole weekend and he had started to like the feeling of being seen as cute and adorable. He explained this to biff and asked if he could wear a cute dress and a pair of panty hose. Jon wondered what Biff would think of his decision but Biff told him he understood fully. He explained how he had spent the weekend embracing his new role and had come to the conclusion that they might both find more peace by just embracing their roles. Biff turned from the wardrobe with a light blue dress and held it up for Jon. He suggested for a bit of fun they could wear matching outfits today, knowing he had a very similar dress in his own closet.

Jon got excited about this idea. He had so much admiration for Biff as his mother and wanted to be just like him. Biff quickly dressed Jon and then put him down and headed for his own room. Jon toddled after him, enjoying the feeling of the tights on his legs and the safety he felt to be diapered.

Biff found his matching dress and quickly put it on. He found matching pantyhose and hiked up his dress before sitting on his bed to put them on. Jon watched on in awe. Every movement Biff made was confident and graceful. Jon felt a sense of pride to be Biff's "daughter" and without thinking about it went over to Biff and said, "I love you mommy." Biff just smiled at Jon before both regained their senses somewhat and shared a little laugh about the situation.

It was a beautiful day and Biff told Jon they were going to go for a walk and maybe grab some food together. They would have work and daycare tomorrow so Biff wanted to make the most of what was left of the weekend. Jon no longer felt any nervousness about going out in public. He knew Biff would take care of him and he was actually looking forward to the looks and admiration he had come to expect as a cute baby.

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