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60. Late lunch

59. Walk in the park

58. Bath

57. Snack Time

56. Karyn leaves

55. Coffee

54. The door

53. Biff wakes

52. Biff's Girly Evening

51. Toy Store

50. Biff's Secret

49. Biff finishes his treatments

48. Biff's treatment

47. Biff hits the gym

46. Swimming

45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

43. Biff wakes

42. Jon wakes

41. Biff gets home

Late lunch

on 2022-03-07 13:45:45

563 hits, 74 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Do you know what you'd like Jon?" Biff asked pointing at the kids menu.

"I'd love to have a burger and fries." Jon replied but he knew he'd have to pick from the kids menu to keep up appearances. As he was saying this the waitress arrived over hearing Jon talking.
"Oh, she's just adorable," the waitress said. "I love listening to baby talk like that. It's so cute. Are you ready to order sweetie?" she asked Jon leaning down to him and giving him the biggest smile.

"Yeah. I'll have the cheese burger, French fries and a large coke please." Jon replied, wishing that he could have just that.
The waitress laughed and turned to Biff, "I wish I could understand her. She really looks like she's trying to tell me her order.

Jon grew frustrated at this and started to whine a little bit. Biff wanted to diffuse the situation and so ordered a kids portion of spaghetti for Jon and a carton of juice. He ordered a large salad and a glass of wine for himself. The waitress wrote the order down and left them to it, patting Jon lightly on the head as she left.

"Believe me Jon, I'd love to have a burger and fries too but we have to make decisions to fit in with how people see us now, don't we?" Biff explained to Jon. Jon just nodded reluctantly in agreement.

The waitress returned with their drinks and some paper sheets and crayons to occupy Jon. Jon sarcastically said thanks and was a little surprised when the waitress understood him." Your welcome sweetie," she said.

Jon got excited and quickly said, "wait, can you understand me now?" The waitress just looked at him blankly again showing no sign of further understanding him and said, "yes. These colors are for you. Will you draw a picture for me please?"

The waitress left and Biff said to Jon that he suspected people could understand very basic words when he spoke but for bigger words or sentences they just heard nonsensical baby talk. Jon didn't let it bother him, instead taking a big sip from his juice box, concentrating on what he was doing so he didn't spill any of it. He then idly picked up a crayon and started to color, becoming engrossed in the task. He was being very careful and considerate in what colors he used and put a lot of effort into it. The next thing he noticed was the food arriving. He looked up at Biff who was smiling at him. Biff took the coloring sheet from Jon to make room for his bowl. Biff studied the sheet and asked Jon what he had drawn.

"Eh, isn't it obvious Biff, it's a house with some trees out the front. I kept it simple since I'm only a 'baby'!" Biff took a second look at the picture and then held it up to show Jon. The page was a mess of lines and colors, with no clear indication of what it was. Jon turned red in embarrassment and said," Jeez. Is that what I drew? It seems a lot clearer in my eyes when I was drawing it. That's just a mess of colors. Aw man, I think I'm getting worse. I hope I don't go full baby at all, that would suck."

Biff told Jon not to worry about it and to just eat his meal. Jon started by putting some spaghetti on his fork but getting it from the bowl into his mouth was proving quite challenging. He dropped the first few pieces but then got one piece in. He continued on like this for a while before Biff stopped him and offered to feed him. Without worrying how that would look, Jon agreed and handed control over to Biff who fed him with enthusiasm. Once Jon was fed Biff ate his own salad, cutting it into small pieces and taking small delicate bites. Jon studied Biff as he ate. He was sitting in a nice dress, with his legs crossed high above the knee. As he used one hand with his fork his other hand sort of just hung in the air, limp wristed. He was careful how he ate, taking care not to smudge his lipstick. Occasionally Biff would take a small sip of his wine, leaving a lipstick stain on the rim of the glass. Normally, Jon would find such a sight hilarious bit in the moment, he just saw Biff as everyone else did. A pretty lady, full of grace. He felt lucky that this was his mommy and hoped that he'd grow up to be as confident and graceful as him.

With the meal finished, Biff asked for the bill, which he paid after taking his purse out of his bag. Before putting Jon back into the pushchair Biff again put his hand under Jon's dress and gave his diaper a gentle squeeze. Unknown to Jon he had peed into his diaper a few times during the meal. Biff told Jon it was a bit wet but should be fine until they got home. Jon didn't care either way, happy to let Biff make the decision for him. Biff secured him into the pushchair. Thanked the waitress and headed for home. It was getting a bit late in the day and the sun was starting to go down so Biff picked up the pace a little, wanting to be safely home long before dark.

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