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62. New friend

61. Back to daycare

60. Late lunch

59. Walk in the park

58. Bath

57. Snack Time

56. Karyn leaves

55. Coffee

54. The door

53. Biff wakes

52. Biff's Girly Evening

51. Toy Store

50. Biff's Secret

49. Biff finishes his treatments

48. Biff's treatment

47. Biff hits the gym

46. Swimming

45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

43. Biff wakes

New friend

on 2022-03-07 14:22:54

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"Gibson, what the fuck is going on? Please tell me you can understand me. I'm so confused. I went to sleep in my bed on Friday and when I woke up on Saturday I was in a crib in an unfamiliar house. That woman that dropped me off is acting like I'm a little baby and she's my mother. She doesn't seem to understand a word I say. I tried over and over to tell her who I really am but she just acts like I'm babbling like a baby. I have wear these stupid baby clothes and, well, this is kind of embarrassing, but I'm even wearing a diaper. And what's worse is I need one. I've been pissing and shitting in it all weekend and I barely even notice when it happens now. This is like a nightmare. My 'mommy' is only a few years older than me and you have to admit she's pretty hot. She also insists on breastfeeding me and there is nothing I can do about it. If I try to resist she just forces my mouth onto her tit. And it's weird. She's freakishly strong, or maybe I'm as weak as they see me. " Trevor was speaking a mile a minute. Jon felt worried that Trevor might expose the two of them as not being babies but heard two of the staff talking about them as if Trevor was just an excited baby babbling away to his new friend.

Jon took Trevor hand to reassure him, "Trevor, dude, it's OK. I can understand you but I don't think anyone else can. I've been stuck in the life of a baby girl for a few weeks now and no one can understand me in here. My situation is a bit different. Biff Meadows is living the life of my mommy and he can, luckily, understand me. It must be so hard for you not to be able to talk to anyone. But you have me now at least. I seem to be a bit older than you. I'm about two years old I think. But I'm going through pretty much the same as you. I'm stuck wearing diapers and need them too. No way around it. Biff let me try to dress in normal clothes at home bit I kept having accidents so stopped trying. It's not all bad. It can be quite relaxing if you just go with the flow. "

As Jon mentioned his diapers to Trevor he had automatically pulled up the front of his dress, lacking the modesty to be embarrassed about it. Trevor saw Jon's pink diaper and the dress he was wearing and started to calm down a bit. He was delighted to have someone he could talk normally too. He asked Jon if he knew why this was happening but Jon said he didn't, not wanting to have to explain about his wishing stone or how this was actually his fault.

Jon went over and sat by some blocks, gesturing for Trevor to join him. He told Trevor they could speak freely in here as nobody could understand them. Maybe together they could figure out a way to fix this. Trevor made his way over to Jon, wobbling a bit and eventually falling forward onto his hands and knees. He completed the move over to Jon by crawling and said to Jon, "See, I can barely walk a few steps without falling over. I have to crawl most places to get around. You're actually better off than me in that regard." Jon agreed and started to ask Trevor about the rest of his new life. Trevor was a bit light on the details, being newer to all this than Jon. He didn't know his new mother's name, just referring to her as mommy. He had some similar babyish tendencies like Jon, lacking some motor skills and toilet control. He got upset quite easily and cried at the drop of a hat. He had barely eaten any solid food all weekend, having a diet of mostly soft fruits and breast milk. Jon was most curious about the breast milk. Trevor said he was freaked out at first but once he stopped fighting it he had to admit he now enjoyed it. He said it was so comforting to be held like that and what teenage boy wouldn't enjoy getting full access to boobs like that. He said he often got turned on by it, even admitting that he had climaxed once or twice while feeding, stating, "I guess the diapers are good for something." Jon giggled at this part of Trevor's story and Trevor giggled back before stopping and saying, "Jeez, Jon look at the two of us, sitting here giggling like two little girls, stuck in daycare, stuck in diapers, stuck as babies. What are we going to do?" At this point Trevor had gotten himself a bit worked up. Jon noticed Trevor seemed to have even less control of his emotions than he did. He was soon starting to whimper and cry. Trevor reached down, lifted his dress and looked down at the front of his diaper, before looking back up at Jon teary eyed and saying, "and now I'm soaking my diaper. I want to stop bit I can't." His whimpering now turned into full on crying and a staff member quickly came over and picked him up to comfort him. Jon watched her carry him away on her shoulder and worried for his friend.

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