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70. Hanging out

69. Changing Trevor

68. Impromptu Playdate

67. Lucy visits

66. Leaving daycare

65. Office talk

64. Jon and Trevor

63. Biff at work

62. New friend

61. Back to daycare

60. Late lunch

59. Walk in the park

58. Bath

57. Snack Time

56. Karyn leaves

55. Coffee

54. The door

53. Biff wakes

52. Biff's Girly Evening

51. Toy Store

Hanging out

on 2022-03-08 12:52:27

1086 hits, 97 views, 1 upvotes.

Body Swap Herm MTF Myth SciFi Size Unaware

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Trevor just looked around the room looking for inspiration. He said to Jon, "I dunno man. Usually, we'd play PlayStation or watch YouTube but, obviously, this is a babies room. There is a big part of me that wants to play with those toys over there but I'm trying to resist that urge. It's nice to be dressed how I used to dress so I'd like to try as much as possible to act the part too."

Jon agreed with Trevor's observations and suggested they could go down stairs to watch TV. Trevor agreed and started to walk over to Jon before once again falling down on his diapered butt. Jon giggled at the site noting that given Trevor was dressed like a teenager, seeing him wobble and fall like that gave off the impression that he was drunk. Trevor ignored Jon's laughter and attempted to stand up again. He managed to get his legs and butt up in the air but when he pushed up with his arms he was just too weak and he fell over again. He decided to just give up and crawled over to Jon. Jon decided not to comment on this and just proceeded to leave the room. At the too of the stairs Jon decided to be cautious and he called down for Biff to bring Trevor downstairs. Biff was happy to help, knowing that Trevor was much too uncoordinated to manage by himself. Jon said they were just going to watch TV.

Biff's motherly instinct was to control what the "babies" watched but he stopped himself from doing so. He had agreed to let Trevor experience some level of normality so he left them to it. Jon turned on the TV and flicked through the channels, eventually setting on a zombie TV show that he and Trevor used to watch all the time. Jon sat on the sofa and Trevor awkwardly climbed up to sit beside him. They were both enjoying doing something they had done countless times in the past. Everything felt normal until a particularly scary scene came on. There was a big scare near the end and where normally they both loved these parts, this time Trevor emotions got the best of him. Usually, he would get a little bit scared and then laugh it off as part of the experience but this time he got scared but couldn't laugh it off. The feeling of fear took him over and he instantly started to cry which quickly turned into a wail.

Biff was back in the room like a flash. He picked Trevor up and held him close to calm him down. He paused the TV and once Trevor was calm he sat both boys down on the floor. Biff then sat on the couch, being careful to smooth his skirt behind him and crossing his legs like a lady. He put his hands in his lap and leaned forward to talk to the boys.
"OK guys. We have to all face the facts. Things have changed. While I know you still look like teenagers and you can both still talk to me like teenagers, you are not quite normal teenagers. There parts of you that are baby girls. And those parts seem to be slowly getting bigger. You're both controlled by your emotions way more than usual, you more so Trevor. We have to be careful about what you can and can't do. Yes, you can speak freely to me. Yes, you can wear sweatpants and t shirts if you want. No, you can't go without diapers. No, you can't watch scary TV shows. No, you can't go upstairs on your own. I'm responsible for both of your safety and the simple fact of the matter is that you need me. Jon, you couldn't even open the fridge last time you tried. Trevor, you can't go more than a few steps without falling over. And I'd bet good money that both of you have peed in your diapers since I last changed you. You both have to accet your new roles in life, it's really the only way. Now, I'm going to out on something more appropriate for you both while I get dinner. Nothing too babyish but nothing that might set you off again. OK? "

Both boys nodded, knowing that Biff was right. Biff put on a cartoon and left them to it again. Jon was the first to speak," he's right you know. We have to accept that we've changed. We can't pretend everything is normal." He reached down and gave his diaper a squeeze and said, "he's right about that too. When you got scared so did I and I peed in my diaper again. I think I'm going to change back into my dress. These clothes just feel weird now. Like I'm trying to kid myself. I'm not a teenager anymore. At least not in any reasonable way. I'm a baby girl and you know what, I think I'm OK with that."

Trevor wasn't quite as ready to give up as Jon was. He figured Jon was a few weeks ahead of him in how long he's been living like this. Trevor knew he'd probably feel the same way soon. He explained these thoughts to Jon, saying," I know what you're saying Jon but my situation is different. I have no choice but to live like a baby when I'm at home so I'd like to keep these clothes on for just a little while longer. I'm not ready to accept my fate as a baby girl just yet. I'm still a teenager, dammit." In a moment of irony, Trevor felt his bladder realease and he soaked his diaper once more just as he tried to make his last point.

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