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2. Seahorse World

1. The Drafting Board

Seahorse World

on 2022-03-13 00:01:32
Episode last modified by TheChanger on 2022-03-13 00:06:20

401 hits, 45 views, 1 upvotes.

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In this reality our main character(s) have been transported to an alternate reality. How you choose the person to be transported is your own choice.
Men have vaginas and women have a penis. The rest of their anatomy is similar to our own world but some slight differences.

Men give birth but still provide for their family. If war breaks out men will still fight but since men birth the children wars are fought less frequently and less time. (For example WWII would be over in two years since many of the soldiers would intently get knocked up on both sides).
If he should be with child, the first symptoms will be a strong desire to kiss the opposite sex with his attraction more focused on her lips. When he is pregnant the saliva in his mouth produces prolactin and oxytocin. This will, in turn, cause his female partner to lactate. Men's saliva is often used a black market drug and bonding chemical.
A "daddy ass" happens after a man has given birth and is desired by many women. Like our own world men's bodies mostly stay the same throughout life. If he should have multiple children (3 or more) he will keep his pregnancy booty.
Socially men wear similar clothes to our own reality but recent fashion has made tight clothing of the lower half the new trend.

Women throughout time stay home nursing children and maintain the household. Because of their genitalia feminism never became a thing as gradual changes in culture shifted. Females pursue males and desire to impregnate what they deem a high value man. Women's erections are based on her mood and can harden or become flaccid based on her emotional state, dresses are more practical to women but pants are still fashionable because of this. Women will display skin and bodily assets to woo men ,another being her lips showing fullness and lipstick. An old trend that has regained popularity around the world is women wearing tight pants and displaying nipples, with some women taking hormones to make themselves lactate. Should a man consume the milk it will strengthen the sexual pleasure of the man and act as a natural aphrodisiac.

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