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111. At school with Sarah Kim

110. Gladys in college

109. Talk of tattoos

108. More Ruminations

107. Nadine's Reassurance

106. Pleading for reason

105. What has Nadine Been Up to?

104. A talk with Linda

103. Linda

102. Telling Tiffany

101. Blackmailed

100. Nadine

99. Friday Homeroom

98. The Next Morning

97. Athena's daughter visits

96. Just Another Day For Linda

95. Sabrina McMillan

94. Life as Linda

93. Jon's Thursday ends

92. Jon Comes up with a Plan

Family Swap: Sarah Kim At School

on 2022-03-18 19:15:08
Episode last modified by Nobody14 on 2022-03-19 10:26:26

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"It was so romantic Carol. Jon was completely entranced by my performance. At that moment I just know that his only thoughts were of me and my violin." Sarah was giddily recounting the night before to one of her friends.

Carol Willard would never have guessed Sarah wasn't in her class the day before, or that their history of meeting in kindergarten and being friends since was implanted the day before. To her it was just another day of hearing her Asian friend crushing hard on a high school guy.

Carol was one of the lucky ones to not be shifted into a new family, or have hers majorly changed by Jon's wish so far. She still had the same brothers, father, and even mother. The eleven year old with long, curly red hair and glasses was just beginning to grow into the woman she'd be. At the moment that meant a growth spurt that had left her the tallest girl in her class by at least three inches.

"Didn't you say Susan was there and he told you to be more responsible with her?" Carol teased, earning a sour look for bringing Sarah out of her daydream.

"He's an older sibling too, and just wanted to pass on his wisdom. He was so cool then too. Like a man from one of those noir movies who has seen too much of the world." Sarah recalled the moment and the feelings Jon stirred in her then.

"So he loved your violin solo. What comes next?" Carol asked as she added water to the solution of their science project.

"He let me pick a few more pieces, but my parents came home, and his mom came to take him for an interview with another client. He's so smart, and very in demand as a tutor." Sarah proudly gushed as if Jon's accomplishments reflected on her.

"I mean what comes next between the two of you? He's in high school. It'll take more than your violin to win him over." Carol was a bit blunt, but Sarah appreciated how frank her friend could be.

"If only we were the same age. If I had a sexy mature body like Tiffany he'd ask me out in a heartbeat, I just know it." Sarah looked down at her budding chest in depression. To her they were just growing, rather than the large perky breasts she had as a McMillan, or the slightly saggy boobs she'd had as the older Coach Barry.

"Tiffany is his girlfriend, right?" Carol asked.

"Only because they're the same age, and she has big cow tits, and a fat ass, and, and..." Sarah groaned in frustration. It wasn't fair that the love of her life was so much older. They could be so happy if things were just a little different.

"Calm down Sarah, take some deep breaths." Carol made sure Sarah followed her advice before continuing. "Look, the age gap between you two isn't that big, but he's probably under a lot of pressure. In ten years it won't matter, but right now it would be weird for him to be dating a younger girl."

"But that's not fair Carol! By then Tiffany may have sunk her claws in him permanently." Sarah whined.

"Which is why I ask what's next? How do you get him to look at you for who you are? To make him wait for you?" Carol wasn't sure what the answer was either, but knew Sarah needed some encouragement.

"I just have to keep giving it my all. We had a real connection last night. I just need to build on that. Maybe if I hurry to his school after our classes are done I can get him to walk me home?" Sarah sounded so hopeful.

"It's worth a shot, right?" Carol offered.

"Right!" Sarah enthusiastically agreed.

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