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3. Arguing Over Zoe

2. John awakes to his parents fig

1. You Are What You Wish

Arguing Over Zoe

on 2009-03-26 03:19:05

1540 hits, 71 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Jane, she won't listen to me. She'd rather hang out at that club with her weirdo friends and listen to that noise."

"It's rock music, Jim."

"I know what rock music is and that is not rock music. Are you trying to defend her?"

"No, Jim. I'm not."

"Good. Because I've had it with her. If Zoe doesn't shape up and act like a normal girl soon, we'll have to do something about it. I'd rather not, but she's leaving me no choice. All those piercings and black clothes and that obsession with the occult ... it has to stop somewhere."

Jon overheard all of this. More than once, his parents had complained about his Goth sister, but their discussions had never been this heated. Zoe's future certainly did not look very bright. She had already been grounded for a month. Whatever they were talking about must have been even worse.

Jon may not have agreed with how Zoe was living her life, but she was still his sister. And with the stone, he could help her. Or maybe he should help his parents.

After some thought, Jon decided to ...

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