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114. Jon and the Gang

113. Karyn's coworker

112. Tying Up Some Loose Ends

111. At school with Sarah Kim

110. Gladys in college

109. Talk of tattoos

108. More Ruminations

107. Nadine's Reassurance

106. Pleading for reason

105. What has Nadine Been Up to?

104. A talk with Linda

103. Linda

102. Telling Tiffany

101. Blackmailed

100. Nadine

99. Friday Homeroom

98. The Next Morning

97. Athena's daughter visits

96. Just Another Day For Linda

95. Sabrina McMillan

Family Swap: Jon and the Gang

on 2022-03-20 11:16:48

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Back in the lunch room Jon was turning his attention to the voice that had called his name. He saw a group of girls, but he couldn't recognize any of them. He internally sighed, ready to once more fish for information about who these girls were. As he began walking toward them he was glad to not be sitting alone, but hoped things wouldn't be too awkward.

He walked over. "Who are you looking for?" The girl who called him asked. She had something of a nerdy look to her. She was sort of cute, thin, awkward looking. She didn't wear makeup. He'd seen less of the more stereotypical female nerds he'd been used to since the change for some reason.

"No one...just looking around..."

"He probably is hoping Tiffany will surprise him like she did last week," the girl sitting next to her said. She was wearing a t-shirt that said 'I Speak in Disney Song Lyrics and Harry Potter quotes'.

"Is everyone around here going to criticize my love life?" He asked, exasperated.

"Well, it's like she has you under some kind of spell, Jon..." The awkward girl told him.

"There's no such thing in real life," t-shirt girl said....he really wished he had names for them. "But, if there was, you'd be under it. I isn't a dig on TIffany. It's just...without you around as a buffer, Nadine can really get on my nerves...I mean, yesterday, she was griping about the latest episode of..." She paused as another girl joined them.

"Are you going on about Nadine and Jon again?" The newcomer said. "Can't we talk about something else? This has been going on for like a month now. Jon's whipped, you and Nadine should get a room...Emma is too nice to say anything, but...I'm this close to building a time machine and going back to December before this all happened."

That meant the awkward girl was name down. "What do you mean, get a room?" t-shirt girl said. "She and I aren't..."

"Not like that, no. But you like arguing with each other. You just both miss Jon being the referee," she said. She turned to Jon. "Are you ready for the quiz?"

"Huh?" He asked.

"Next period...quiz..." She said.

Shit, he cursed inwardly. He hadn't even checked his schedule to see what he had next period now. He'd only looked through lunch. And a quiz...they'd just come back from break on Monday, how could there be a quiz already? "I's been a busy week," he said, weakly. He liked these three so far.

It wouldn't have helped him to know that before today, they hadn't known each other at all. At the moment, they all believed they'd been friends since freshman year.

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