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117. Planning with Karyn

116. Plans

115. Friday lunch

114. Jon and the Gang

113. Karyn's coworker

112. Tying Up Some Loose Ends

111. At school with Sarah Kim

110. Gladys in college

109. Talk of tattoos

108. More Ruminations

107. Nadine's Reassurance

106. Pleading for reason

105. What has Nadine Been Up to?

104. A talk with Linda

103. Linda

102. Telling Tiffany

101. Blackmailed

100. Nadine

99. Friday Homeroom

98. The Next Morning

Family Swap: Planning With Karyn

on 2022-03-24 16:57:45

1670 hits, 77 views, 2 upvotes.

Anthro Aware Body Swap Herm Magic Musc

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Jon waited for the line to clear before excusing himself from the table.

"Where are you going? Lunch isn't over yet." Stacy questioned.

"I'm going to talk with Tiffany's mom." Jon answered, but realized how easy it was getting to think of Karyn as a mom. An overweight, but attractive mature woman. He wasn't sure who she'd become after this afternoon if everything went right, but he hoped for the best. "She's agreed to help out."

"Why is she able to help, but we can't? You said more people was a bad idea." Amy got upset. Jon wasn't sure how much of it was that he seemed to be going back on what he'd told them, and how much was that it was Tiffany's mom. These girls didn't seem to hold Tiffany in the highest regard.

"She works for the school, so her walking around may not be seen as suspicious." Jon replied defensively.

"Yeah, I guess if she acted calm they'd just think she was heading home or something." Emma once again came in to agree with Jon. She seemed like a logical kind of thinker.

"Having some adult back up isn't a bad idea either." Stacy conceded.

"Fine, but just remember what I said. We won't be far behind." Amy crossed her arms and pouted.

"I suppose I'll see you in class then Jon. Just don't be late for the quiz." Stacy and the others waved him off as he walked to where Karyn and the other lunch ladies worked.

"Hey there little guy, we were just talking about you." Aisha addressed Jon as soon as he entered the work space.

Jon was surprised to see one of the girls from his friend group the day before here. He remembered the version of her from the original reality where she had been a cheerleader. .It had been a shock to see her as a plump black girl the day before. Now she looked more like her original self if her hair was a different color, she put on a lot of weight and had been born twenty five years earlier. He couldn't help staring at the gigantic breasts she was lugging around. He looked up to see her licking her lips, clearly enjoying the attention.

That left Angela as the only member of his friend group the day before he hadn't seen. She'd kept her pregnancy fetish from being a Getherd, but now that Julie was a Washington he wondered what happened to Angela. Was she older like Carly and Aisha? She'd likely be in heaven if she were in Samantha's shoes at the moment.

"Don't worry about her Jon. She's just a nosy busybody." Karyn walked in with a sigh. "I let slip about helping you and she wouldn't relent until I gave her some details. I trust her with a secret though."

"Your secrets are safe with me. I'd love to give that old bitch Athena a piece of my mind though. She's been causing trouble for years." Aisha shook her head.

"Tiffany gave me some more details about what will happen. I had thought she may send you pictures, but I hadn't expected a situation like this." Karyn remembered her own promiscuous youth. She'd have done the same thing with some guy friends in her youth, and she was happy Tiffany sent them only to a committed boyfriend, but couldn't believe things had come to this.

"I hadn't expected any of this either. Barb and Athena would never expect us to go to you about this first though, and that's our advantage. They want me and Tiffany together at the swap. As long as we get my phone back and ensure the pictures are deleted we can use the messages Barb sent to her sister Mandy as proof of their blackmail. Hopefully we can work out a deal where Tiffany won't have her reputation ruined." Jon had thought over his plan, but knew he needed everyone else to think he had something in mind for after the exchange. He planned to simply wish the blackmail plot away somehow if needed, but no one else knew that was an option. They'd need some reassurance.

"I'll mark some of the bills so they can be traced. Aisha and I will take photos of several bills for proof of serial numbers to make verifying it isn't really Athena's money too." Jon was happy Karyn had put this much thought into things. With any luck things would go how he wanted. He had learned how unpredictable the stone was, but he was content everyone would be in place. What happened after was anyone's guess.

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