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119. Getting in position

118. More Pieces Fall into Place

117. Planning with Karyn

116. Plans

115. Friday lunch

114. Jon and the Gang

113. Karyn's coworker

112. Tying Up Some Loose Ends

111. At school with Sarah Kim

110. Gladys in college

109. Talk of tattoos

108. More Ruminations

107. Nadine's Reassurance

106. Pleading for reason

105. What has Nadine Been Up to?

104. A talk with Linda

103. Linda

102. Telling Tiffany

101. Blackmailed

100. Nadine

Family Swap: Getting In Position

on 2022-03-25 19:49:49

496 hits, 98 views, 2 upvotes.

Anthro Aware MC Myth Super

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Jon tried his best to focus in his classes but he couldn't help being distracted. He had done about as much as he could to guarantee everyone he wanted to be swapped would be at the school at the right time. He still hadn't found Angela, and Zelda was still home recovering from the birth the day before.

He mentally wished the stone could be trusted to grant his wishes how he wanted. He knew it was dangerous to say anything out loud to it though. He was concerned wishing something like that could be a monkey's paw situation. He needed to be careful with the stone should he ever have to use it.

"I guess this is it Jon. I'm nervous, but we're in this together, right?" Tiffany squeezed his hand as they walked down the hall.

He looked at her and thought of how crazy the last twenty four hours had been between him and Tiffany. She had been a cougar principal seducing him, an eager to fuck girlfriend, but more than that he'd learned how sensitive and loving she was. He knew the original loved attention, and this version wanted his. She loved him, and he felt something for her after the adventure the last day had been, but he wasn't sure it was real. Maybe if things ever got back to normal he'd see how much of her affection was real and how much was from the stone.

"You know it Tiffany. We'll make it through this." He gave her a confident nod and began walking.

It was only around ten to fifteen minutes before the swap would happen. He had to ensure everyone was in the best position to increase their chances of swapping.

Tiffany sighed contentedly. She knew this was a dire situation, and her future was uncertain. With Jon at her side she knew she'd be alright no matter the outcome. He was proving how much he cared about her, and they'd have a happy future no matter what.

Sarah was racing to Jon's school as fast as she could. She needed to capitalize on the connection they'd made last night. If she didn't hurry he could leave with Tiffany instead. Unfortunately for her Susan had come to walk home with her, and had insisted on coming. Luckily the Kim girls could see Jon's school. They'd make it in and try finding him at the entrance.

Karyn and Aisha were in position, talking with each other as they walked down the hall. Aisha had refused to be left out after the planning session earlier.

"My baby's whole future is riding on this going well." Karyn had a moment of weakness as the moment drew near and she thought of the consequences of failure.

"Pull yourself together Karyn. We aren't letting that happen. That fat slut Athena has messed with the wrong people, and we're going to give her just enough rope to hang herself. Your marked cash plan will work, and Jon has all the details covered." Aisha reassured her friend.

Neither would have imagined a few days ago they couldn't stand each other. Aisha was a member of the cheer team and Karyn was the loser her captain mocked mercilessly. Now they were close friends that worked and laughed with each other everyday.

"You're right! No backing down now!" Karyn said with determination as the women continued on their path, playing up just getting ready to leave for the day.

Nadine was in another hallway with Mallory and Mandy. Their job was to blend in with the crowd that was getting ready to leave. She looked to Mallory and resolved to make sure things went smoothly. If they failed Mallory could relapse into blaming herself again.

Mallory was indeed nervous. The pep talk earlier had helped, but thoughts that Tiffany could scapegoat her, and of Jon agreeing with Tiffany scared her. She knew her brother wasn't like that, but when it came to his girlfriend he lost sight of things. She knew she needed to make things up to him, and this was her chance.

Mandy was feeling guilt of her own. She had called in a tip to the cops that noted nuisance Athena Drucker was planning something involving blackmail at the school just as students were to be let out. It was when Mallory went to tell her brother about the scheme, but before she returned to say he wanted to handle things his way. The cops seemed unsure of her tip, but she felt in her heart their help would be best. They'd rescued her in her time of need, and she had faith they'd help again.

Danielle Chasewas had just pulled into the lot. A tip had come in about Athena Drucker upgrading her crimes to blackmail. It was impossible to verify based solely on an anonymous claim, but Athena's record had them worried enough to send her. If it was nothing her afternoon was shot, but if there was any truth she could make a bust and get Athena off the streets for a long while.

Marie was helping her mother slowly make her way into the school. Zoe was getting plenty of attention. It wasn't every day a more than six hundred pound woman was seen. Added was the fact that Zoe dressed to allow a good portion of her massive gut to hang out, that her mammoth sized tits were pushed together with a giant sized bra, and that her titanic sized ass was making it difficult to try entering the doors.

"Thanks again for coming mama. I know it's a pain leaving the house, but Jim was adamant he see you here. Like I told you, we just need to get him home and when he sees us free and naked he'll never want a skinny girl again." Marie laid out her plan happily.

"I know I told you girls I'd help you snag him, but I didn't think you'd want me to move mountains so soon." Zoe chuckled as she poked fun at her own weight, soaking up the attention she was getting. "Just don't be upset if he ends up going for the bigger woman. That boy already knows he wants a queen size girl like me."

In one of the classrooms Laura and Samantha were looking over some of Jackie's art books.

"Geez, you have so many cute designs! It's so hard to pick just one!" Laura was in a state of pouting and giddy. The designs were so gorgeous in her eyes.

Part of the plan was to distract Laura from making a decision until she moved onto something else.

"You do have some incredible talent. Would you consider painting a nursery?" Samantha asked as she rubbed small circles on her pregnant belly while examining one of the books.

"Sure, it sounds like a fun project to me." Jackie was thrilled the two were honestly enjoying her work.

Ann had done some snooping to find out what was going on with Barb and Allison. She learned they were meeting Zion and Tiffany that afternoon. Apparently Barb's mother would be there. As a member of the student council she felt it was her duty to be there.

"Yep, that's the slant eyed loser I saw last night." Jon heard as he saw Athena and two girls his age.

Athena was swaying on her feet, holding a water bottle she was clinging onto like it was her life.he felt terrible seeing her like this. Her sagging tits looked ready to fall out her top. Her chunky thighs were bare with a tight pair of booty shorts cloning to her fat ass.

Next to her was a punk short stack that must have been Barb. She had some of the same features as Athena. She wore a smug expression, obviously believing she had all the cards.

Next to her was a taller girl he also didn't recognize. He knew she must be Allison, Barb's girlfriend. He didn't know who they had been, but he doubted they'd have stopped to blackmail in their original lives. Now they were all twisted into this by his wish and the stone.

More students walked around them unaware of what was to happen.

Everyone he called on was gathering in place. The time for the swap was fast approaching. Jon just had to wait for it to happen, and pray it would bd one that would involve all the girls and women he wanted to change.

Now it was just a matter of stalling things, and making sure none of them left.

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