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3. 6:08 AM

2. Timestamp test

1. You Are What You Wish

6:08 AM

on 2014-01-05 21:01:47

1792 hits, 93 views, 2 upvotes.

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John groggily looked over at the blaring alarm clock, ugh 6:08 AM? Shit, he had been sleeping through his alarm clock for 8 whole minutes already! He probably wouldn't have time to eat breakfast now. Jon got out of bed and rushed into the bathroom to shower. After quickly (by his standards) showering and getting dressed and gathering up all his crap Jon barely had enough time to run out the door by 7. He had less than half an hour to walk to Karyn's and then walk with her to school.

Jon was walking briskly towards Karyn's house, trying not to be late for her again. Whenever he was late Karyn half heatedly threatened to not wait for him in the mornings. Jon was worried eventually she would follow through on her threat.

Along the way to Karyn's Jon noticed something very strange. A lady in a pink ruffled shirt was walking her dog. That in itself wasn't strange, Jon saw this woman some mornings but today it was what she was wearing that was odd. At first Jon thought he was seeing things, but no, this lady was walking around with crotchless pants on! Jon did his best not to stare, but the woman's pants clearly had no crotch in them and she had no underwear on either. Her naked vulva was out and in full view to the world!

Chuckling quietly to himself at the crazy dog lady's wardrobe choice today Jon continued on his way to Karyn's. About a block later however Jon saw another woman out and about with no pants on whatsoever! Next a young woman on a bike rode by with only a spandex bike top and leg warmers on. By the time Jon got to Karyn's he had seen 5 women out in public without any sort of clothing covering their groins!

When Jon finally arrived at Karyn's he was about to tell her about all the bizarre women running around bottomless when he saw that Karyn too was nude from the waist down!

With Jon's eyes obviously wide with shock Karyn asked him, "Ummm, Jon what's wrong?"

Jon just looked up at Karyn, trying hard not to let his eyes drift down to her exposed genitalia while he was talking to her. "Uh, Karyn, is something going on? How come so many women aren't wearing any sort of...pants today?"

Karyn just said, "Tsk. Because it's WARM out, duh? Why the hell would I want to put on pants when it's like 80 degrees out."

"But" Jon stammered, "What about underwear, why don't you have any underwear on?"

Karyn looked at Jon like he was mental. "Umm Gee Jon, I'm going to go with..I'M NOT A GUY! How's that for a reason? Now stop being weird and let's go, you're late AGAIN."

As she spoke Karyn reached down to scratch her hairy naked crotch absentmindedly, as though it were no big deal to do so in public. Fuck, for some reason apparently it WAS no big deal for women to do that in public all of a sudden...

Thinking he was on some sort of bizarre reality gag show as soon as he got to school, Jon rushed into the school computer lab and booted up one of the ancient XP machines that still had a bulky CRT monitor on it. When it FINALLY loaded Jon loaded up trusty Google and did a search for:

"women nude crotches"

After sifting through the few Wikipedia articles Google always seemed to return first, Jon learned it was considered highly inappropriate for adult women to cover their genitals in any way! It seemed in a few states it was even illegal. He continued to go back and click on more links in the results but they ALL returned the same thing. Not only were women walking around with their muffs on display today, but according to the all of internet, they had been doing that since...ALWAYS! The only exceptions apparently were things like if it was very cold outside. Jon just stared at the buzzing old computer screen slack jawed and confused. There's no way a reality gag show could alter the entire internet for a joke, whatever was going on was REAL.

But, what the HELL was going on?

When Jon finally got to class he saw that every female member of the class was sitting in their desks either totally nude below the waist or wearing some sort of clothing with no crotch. With them sitting at open desks, Jon could clearly see each and every pussy of his female classmates as he made his way towards his desk in back. NO ONE thought anything was amiss except for him.

Jon truly wished he knew what was going on, he felt like he was crazy. If only he had a magic wand or a genie or something.....

What Jon couldn't possibly know is that the day before he HAD made a magical wish. He had been having a hard time deciding on what to wish for, so, he he had wished that for the next 30 days he would forget about the wishing stone and that each morning at 6:08 am the world would change in "a random sexy way", but that only HE would be aware of it. So now for the next 29 days each morning when the clock struck 6:08 the previous day's changes would be undone and a whole new sexy world would await Jon to discover with only Jon remembering the previous changes and the world before the changes. At the end of the 30 days everything would return to normal, he would regain the stone, and all the memories the wish had taken from him would be restored. Jon had figured that if he liked one of his new random surprise realities enough, he just might wish for it to be permanent.

As Jon slept that night weary from an odd day, the clock slowly ticked it's way back to 6:08 AM.

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