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4. Attitude Adjustment

3. the Ring of Influence

2. Sarah McMillan got a letter fr

1. You Are What You Wish

SL - Ring of Influence: Attitude Adjustment

avatar on 2022-04-13 06:33:13

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Karyn idly played with one of her nipples while thinking about Sarah. Specifically, thinking about her boobs, and just how the hell she'd grown a pair quite like that. Karyn's new assets seemed almost unnatural, now that she had a moment to examine them in the mirror: they didn't sag nearly as much as they ought to given their impressive weight, but somehow they weren't all that firm either. They had an almost unreal fantasy combination of supple shapeliness, soft squeezability, jiggly bounciness, and of course, size almost matching a regulation basketball. "She really did hit the genetic jackpot," Karyn thought while absent-mindedly messing with her replicas of Sarah's breasts. "Or else having magic grow out your boobs comes with some side effects I hadn't-"

Karyn nearly jumped out of her skin when the doorbell rang, as if the bell itself had somehow caught her doing something naughty. "Company at this hour?" she wondered, grabbing a simple baggy t-shirt to slip on (while apparently she had bras big enough for her new girls in this reality, Sarah's fantasy orbs turned out to be so unrealistically supple that she honestly didn't need one all that badly). A few moments later, she had wandered out to the living room, where she found her mom answering the door.

"Oh, hello there!" Mrs. Black exclaimed as if meeting a dear old friend. "C'mon in, c'mon, c'mon! Make yourself at home, dear!" She said while ushering in, much to Karyn's surprise, none other than one Sarah McMillan, all dressed up in fine dinner attire.

"Mom!?" Karyn couldn't help shouting in surprise. To her knowledge, Mom had never so much as laid eyes on Sarah before, and she definitely didn't know there were any plans to invite her over.

"Oh, Karyn, darling, we have a surprise visitor, one miss, ummm..." Mrs. Black started to say, but then trailed off.

"Sarah," said Sarah.

"Sarah!" exclaimed Mrs. Black. "Sarah's come to visit, so please be on your best behavior, alright, dear?"

Karyn was, by now, very confused. "Mom, why are you letting her into our house if you don't even know her name?"

"Don't be rude, dear," Mom chastised lightly. "Girls like Sarah can go wherever they want, you know."

Karyn opened her mouth, as if to object, but closed it after a while. "What was I so upset about?" Karyn wondered suddenly. "Girls like Sarah CAN go wherever they want. What was I thinking? I'm sure there was something..."

"Well, yeah, but..." Karyn fished desperately for something to say to save face. "...but, what's she doing here? It's late, and I didn't know she was coming over."

"Oh, I just wanted to talk to you, Karyn," Sarah replied while plopping herself down on their couch, reclining to make herself as comfortable as if it were her own home. "And only you, please. You should leave us alone and get some sleep, Mrs. Black; you look tired."

It wasn't even 8 PM yet, and Karyn's mom was, normally, a spritely little night owl who shouldn't be anywhere close to tired yet; and yet, all the same, she nodded, yawned and stretched a bit, and then headed off to bed. Then it was just Karyn and Sarah, alone in the living room. The former was still very guarded, despite the latter having every right to be there.

"Alright, Sarah, what do you want?" Karyn asked cautiously. "I know you didn't come here just to chat."

"Oh, Karyn, I'm hurt," Sarah replied sarcastically. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Well, yeah, obviously, and I should always be honest about it, too." Karyn retorted, rolling her eyes as she did so. "That's not the point. Stop playing coy; what are you doing here?"

Sarah frowned. "Okay, for one, don't EVER tell me what to do again." A wave of guilt suddenly came crashing down over Karyn. She couldn't believe she had just said what she did to her!

"And for two, I actually I am here just to have a little talk with you, Karyn. I'm honestly worried about you, believe it or not," Sarah lied. "It's about your friend, Jon. Has anything unusual happened with him lately?"

"So this is about rumors and pure gossip," Karyn thought with a sigh. "Good thing I can tell her anything." "He got a wishing stone," Karyn replied. "that's really it. Otherwise everything's normal."

Sarah feigned surprise, and disbelief. "A wishing stone?" She asked in mock incredulousness. "I thought you said you were being honest with me!"

"I AM being honest with you!" Karyn insisted. To prove her point, she then proceeded to relate all the previous day's events about the stone in their entirety to Sarah: the branch, the letter, the wish for blonde hair and boobs like hers, irreversibility, all of it. It never even occurred to her that there was any part of the story she ought to have withheld from Sarah.

Once Karyn finished her tale, Sarah huffed indignantly and thought a bit. Her original plan had been to just make Karyn steal the stone and bring it to her, plain and simple, but Karyn's belligerence was starting to get on her nerves, and anyway could present a problem once Karyn had the stone and could make any wish she liked. What Karyn needed, first of all, was a certain attitude adjustment. And learning what she just had about the stone, Sarah had a wicked idea on just how to do it, that would've spread a mischievous grin on her face if she didn't know better than to hide it.

"So, Karyn," Sarah began after a while, "what you're telling me is, the guy who's been crushing on you for ages now has a stone that can do literally anything he wants to you, irreversibly, and you'd never know about it if you didn't happen to be within earshot just then?"


"And that doesn't worry you at all?"

Karyn seemed offended at the suggestion. "Jon's a nice guy, Sarah, and also my best friend. The worst he can do is something stupid; he wouldn't ever deliberately hurt or take advantage of me, like you seem to be implying he would."

"Karyn..." the look Sarah gave Karyn next was full of calculated pity, false sympathy for some naïve girl that didn't know any better. Subconsciously, she willed the ring a little tighter around her finger as she said what she did next. "He's just a horny teenage boy. And we both know that on some level, he's wanted you as more than just a friend for a very long time now. Now, he has the ultimate means to get whatever he wants from you, whether you like it or not, and you'd never know. There are so many wishes he could have made about you already; do you really trust that he simply wouldn't have?"

Karyn tried to keep a straight face, but Sarah knew full well how much doubt she'd just set to boiling within her. It took a long moment for her to say anything in reply, and it was not, Sarah smiled inwardly, anything like a denial of what she'd just said. "...And why would you care, Sarah?" Karyn replied coldly. "You're probably just trying to steal the stone or something anyway."

"Don't worry about that, Karyn," Sarah replied, as if to calm a fear. "The thing is, girl, it's no secret that I've been around the block a good few times when it comes to guys. Trust me; I know what I'm talking about when I tell you that guys Jon's age, Karyn, they're all the same under the hood: all they think with is their dick, in the end. You're a sweet girl, Karyn, and I genuinely don't want you getting hurt because you've put your trust in the wrong guy. What you need, Karyn, is some girlfriends in your corner. And I'm happy to be that girl, this once; since girls have gotta stick together. Isn't that right?"

Karyn bit her lip to keep herself from automatically replying "that's right." The doubt, the worry, it was written all over her face now. Sarah was making sense, Karyn thought, more sense than she'd ever recalled Sarah making; all that was keeping her from admitting it now was some quantity of pride. Cheeks starting to flush red, Karyn turned away from Sarah for just a moment, pacing a bit to think.

Before Karyn had any time to process what was happening, hands wrapped around her waist and found their way up under her baggy t-shirt, where each hand found a breast to gently squeeze. Karyn made a sound somewhere between a yelp and a moan.

"S-SARAH!" Karyn screamed, feeling Sarah's boobs squashing against her back while her fingers sunk into the identical boobflesh up front. She shivered; one of those fingers had a ring Karyn hadn't noticed on it, whose metal somehow set the flesh where it touched a-tingling. "Wh-what...!?"

"Shhh..." Sarah whispered directly into her ear. "Just enjoy it. We're both girls here, and these are, technically, mine to begin with, aren't they? So let me show you how to handle them."

Karyn stifled a moan as Sarah proceeded to give her a crash course in just how sensitive her stupidly big, bouncy breasts also could be. She didn't even realize one of her own hands was starting to slip under her waistband.

"Hmm, going braless, huh? Interesting choice," Sarah commented as one of her hands found a nipple to tweak. "I think you've learned a good bra is mostly for show, for us. Imagine me in something lacy, skimpy, or sexy... I think you plenty well now I wouldn't dress that way for simple support, right, Karyn?"

Karyn was vigorously fingering herself now, only vaguely aware that Sarah was talking to her. Her head was swimming with ideas Sarah was steadily planting in there: "Need a Girlfriend..." "Enjoy her groping me..." "Sarah's that girlfriend..." "Girls gotta stick together..." "Tell her everything..." "Something Lacy..."

Sarah smirked. "Heh heh… I don't think you need Jon anymore, Karyn," Sarah commented as Karyn hit her climax. "Just me." Gently, Sarah set down the girl, still panting and slumped against her in the afterglow. "Get the stone away from any icky boys like that Jon Gibson and bring it to me, Karyn. Then we'll have some real fun~!" Sarah giggled, gathered up her purse and her other things, and then left the Black residence.

Karyn's head ached badly, and her slick pussy was still twitching after the experience she could hardly begin to comprehend. "That couldn't have just happened..." Karyn thought, as if waking up from a dream. "No way... I'm a straight girl, I'm not into other girls! Especially not Sarah of all people!"

"...Am I?"

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