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72. Dinner with Trevor

71. Jon gets changed

70. Hanging out

69. Changing Trevor

68. Impromptu Playdate

67. Lucy visits

66. Leaving daycare

65. Office talk

64. Jon and Trevor

63. Biff at work

62. New friend

61. Back to daycare

60. Late lunch

59. Walk in the park

58. Bath

57. Snack Time

56. Karyn leaves

55. Coffee

54. The door

53. Biff wakes

Dinner with Trevor

on 2022-04-14 09:40:55

746 hits, 118 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Body Swap Herm NBM SciFi

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Soon after Biff came back and told Jon and Trevor that dinner was ready. Trevor eagerly got up off the sofa to head for the kitchen. He only got two steps in before he fell over onto his hands and knees. He got straight back up and tried again but after just a few more steps he fell over again. With an annoyed grunt he gave up and just started to crawl out of the room. Jon was observing Trevor, finding it strange to see him crawling on the floor dressed in normal teenager clothes as he was. The only thing out of place was his diapered butt which was making the seat of his track pants tighter than normal.

Jon got off the sofa and straightened his dress out before following them into the kitchen. Jon took his usual seat and watched Trevor struggle to pull himself up onto one of the other chairs. Trevor seemed very wobbly and uncertain of how to sit properly unsupported. Biff arrived at the table with plates for the two boys and noticed Trevor struggling. He helped Trevor onto the chair but Trevor still seemed very unsteady. He was slipping forward and struggling to keep his balance. Biff knew this wasn't very safe so grabbing his own plate he sat beside Trevor and picked Trevor up with ease and sat him on his lap.

This was the first solid food Trevor had been given since his life had changed. He picked up a French fry and put it in his mouth. He happily chewed it but when it came to swallowing it his throat just didn't seem to know what to do. He persisted and tried his best but he just couldn't seem to get it down. Eventually, he gave up and with a whimper looked at Biff. He coughed and the chewed up French fry made its way down to his shirt. Biff cleaned him with a napkin and asked what was wrong. Trevor said he didn't think he could eat this food. He had been living on breast milk and mushy food for the last number of days. Biff told Trevor not to worry, he had a bottle of milk that his mom had pumped for him in the fridge. He'd get it for him soon.

Trevor thanked Biff and tried to change the subject for now. He didn't realise what he was doing but Trevor was clinging on tightly to Biff's shoulders, still being a bit unsure of his balance. He placed his free hand on the front of Biff's dress and was surprised to feel the shape of a bra under the dress. His baby instincts kicked in and he subconsciously started to paw at the front of Biff's dress, instinctively wanting to feed from Biff's breasts. Biff just giggled and gently swatted Trevor's hand away before going to the fridge to get Trevor his milk.

Trevor eagerly took the bottle and started to suckle on it enthusiastically. Jon was eating his own dinner just watching what Trevor was doing, amazed at how much he was being guided by his baby instincts.

Trevor soon finished the bottle and without much though just dropped it down his side. Jon noticed that he had a vacant look on his face, showing no sense of any thoughts beyond pure satisfaction. Biff instinctual rubbed Trevor on the back and soon enough Trevor erupted with a big burp which got a good laugh from all three.

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