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3. A Historic Interlude

2. Karyn Changes History, Women W

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn Changes History: A Historical Interlude

on 2022-04-26 00:50:43

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(Author's Note: I had written a historic interlude years ago, but I decided to revisit it, as I realized it was historically inaccurate...which doesn't really matter...but I was also asking could this wish work out)

She held it and whispered, "I wish that after the U.S. won the Revolutionary War, George Washington turned down his nomination for the presidency, and made his wife Martha president, declaring that the country would be run by women."

Her mouth dropped open when she saw the change that had happened to the painting of George Washington. Originally it had depicted him at his inauguration, standing boldly. Now it showed him dressed in a frilly ball gown, daintily presenting his wife as the new president, her now posing proudly in a suit.

She read part of the paragraph below the painting. "Although there were some who fought this, most men voluntarily gave up their roles as heads of household and began wearing dresses instead of pants, which the women gladly took over. In just a few short years, the roles of the two genders had completely reversed, and in only a generation's time, it had become a worldwide phenomenon."

Karyn smiled. Finally, the world is as it should be...but how was that even possible? She was least history class wouldn't be boring anymore.

She entered her classroom. Mr. Steingard had been replaced by a serious looking woman in a shirt and tie. Fortunately, no one seem troubled by Karyn's presence, so this was still her class.

The picture she saw in her history book was up on the board. "We've all seen this painting before. However, what most people don't know is that it is thought by many to not be historically accurate. It was painted by Ramon de Elorriaga in 1899, over a century later. As the story goes...It was George, if you can believe it, not Martha Washington, who was nominated for President, and he turned it down, declaring that the country would be run by women. But that story isn't very plausible..especially for our newly formed democratic system of government. However, most people, as time passes, choose to believe the fact, there is a percentage of Americans who don't believe in the pre-Constitutional hierarchy."

For myself, the delay may be compared to a reprieve; for in confidence I assure you, with the world it would obtain little credit, that my movements to the chair of Government will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of his execution: so unwilling am I, in the evening of a life nearly consumed in public cares, to quit a peaceful abode for an Ocean of difficulties, without that competency of political skill, abilities and inclination which is necessary to manage the helm. "George Washington wrote that on April 1, 1789 in a letter to Henry Knox, referring to the fact that the establishment of the new government was delayed." her new teacher said. "Some historians believe that George suffered a mental breakdown under the pressure, and turned to his wife, who was a strong woman, to make decisions for him. So, how did this change the world? Scientists have debated this ever it could in theory, happen again."

A hand raised, and the teacher called on the boy, who was dressed in a blouse and skirt. "Could it happen again?" There was a laugh that fell throughout the entire class.

"I suppose anything is possible, but I think it is isn't likely. I believe we've evolved as a species too much since then. Rauschenbach's theory of collective unconscious is the one that most people use to explain the shift in society. George Washington had been the commander of the Continental Army. He'd been chosen by the entire new nation to lead...and everyone is focused on is thought that seeing him so changed, wearing a dress and acting demure and what we'd call masculine today, coupled with everything else...caused the shift in society. The two traveled from Virginia to New York, and were met by receptions in every town...and men started turning over positions to their spouses, daughters, sisters...By the time they reached New York, with people riding ahead of them...there was no objection to swearing Martha in as our first least none recorded."


Jon wasn't in Karyn's history class..while she was in the bathroom, he was in Math class, when suddenly he saw a flash. Karyn he thought. He felt something shift,,his clothes suddenly felt tight in the wrong places.

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