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on 2014-10-26 17:44:22

849 hits, 10 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Aware FTM FTP MC Myth Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super

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So, I hit a bot of a snag for a while where I was having trouble getting up any motivation to write anything, and wasn't even reading that many stories. Recently, however, I delved into Magical Girl Policy on Taralynn's Desk:

And oh my gosh, has it gotten the creative juices flowing. Anyone who may have been to her site back in the day probably saw her Alpha version of this story, but this version is improved in just about every way. Better characters, pacing, back story, the whole nine yards.

Aside from sitting here and wanting it to update constantly, it has sparked a bit of motivation in me. And, because of that, I figured I would share it.

It's on Chapter 15 now, with Chapter 16 coming November 11th. It currently updates once a month, with a promise to go up to twice a month if her Patreon hits $150 (And I've never more strongly considered donating to a Patreon before.)

SO, yeah. Just a story I've been really enjoying. I know Magical Girls had a big presence here with the Iridescent Sun story line, so someone else is bound to get a kick out of this story (And maybe contribute some funds to help updates come quicker, because the wait is honestly awful. Damn cliffhangers.).

And, if anyone else wants to share stories that give them a kick in the motivation, feel free. I'm always up for a good read.

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