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11. Jon wakes up hungry

10. Jon grows a pair of breasts

9. Jon gets thirsty

8. Jon gets something to eat

7. Jon appears in the middle of t

6. Teach you not to look alt.

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Teach You Not To Look: Hunger Sets In

avatar on 2022-05-09 18:47:05

1671 hits, 185 views, 5 upvotes.

Age Animal Anthro Body Swap Herm Magic Myth Omni Part Swap TF Unaware

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Jon woke to the sound of a leaf blower nearby. "Ugh. What time is it?" Jon mumbled. Sleeping on wooden floor of the shed hadn't been kind to Jon's back and neck. After a bit of fidgeting, Jon was finally able to bring himself up to a sitting position. "Of course it wasn't a dream." Jon mumbled glancing down at his chest. The sports bra + hoodie combo did well to hide his breasts, but Jon knew they were still there. "I guess I'll just wait until they move to a new area." Jon could hear the voices of the grounds crew who were cleaning the vender area that Jon had hid in. "In the meantime..." Jon grabbed a handful of his curly blonde hair. "Let's try to get you under control."

Several minutes later the drone of the leaf blowers had died down and Jon had his hair in a sloppy braid that was sure to fall apart. "I should get going." Jon slowly opened the door and peered out at the empty fairgrounds. Other than a few people who looked to be setting up various displays the coast looked to be clear. Jon slipped out of the shed and closed the door. "Now what?" He pondered as he began to walk through the empty fairgrounds. The handful of people milling about seemed to ignore Jon, and all but a couple had been men. It was actually fairly relaxing, at least compared to the terror that was yesterday.

Jon's peaceful stroll was interrupted by the grumble of his stomach. "I guess I could get something to eat..." Jon stopped to survey his surroundings. Nothing was open yet and by the looks of things nothing would be open any time soon. "Shit." Jon grumbled in frustration. "Where could I even..." Jon noticed an older man carrying a paper bag with a large M on the side. "O that sounds good." Jon hurried to catch the man before he lost sight of him.

"Excuse me!" Jon called out from behind the guy. The man turned and looked at Jon. "How far away is McDonald's?"

"Not too far. Take a left out of the main gate, and go like 5 blocks. You'll see it." The man turned and continued on his way.

"Perfect!" Jon spun around and hurried towards the main gate. A few minutes later Jon was staring at the main gate to the fairgrounds, which looked to still be closed. Not sure what to do next, Jon stood there in a stupor starring at the gate. "Wait a second." Jon watched on as a young man approached what looked to be an employee entrance next to the main gate. An old woman popped out of the booth next to the employee entrance, checked the man's badge and let him into the fairgrounds. "Bingo!"

"Excuse me." Jon said approaching the old woman. "I got in late last night. Do I need a pass to get back in... If... If I'm working for a vendor? I'm new to all of this."

The woman took a moment to really eye Jon up, which in turn began to make Jon nervous. "Wow... You vendors get younger every year." She said breaking the awkward silence and then heading into her little booth. A minute later she came back out with a piece of paper. "Fill this out." Jon quickly filled out the paper and handed it back to the woman. "Okay Jon... Give me a second." A couple minutes later she emerged with a vendor's badge for Jon. "Here you go. Just show your badge at any of the gates and you'll be able to get back in." The woman handed the badge to Jon. "And before you leave. I just wanted to say that you have lovely hair. I wish more young men would take such meticulous care of their hair like you do. Take care!" The woman said as Jon hurried off.

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