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3. Jon Abandons Karyn (3)

2. Shouldn't Have Trusted Her

1. You Are What You Wish

Replacing Karyn

on 2010-03-06 17:16:58

760 hits, 27 views, 0 upvotes.

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In the end, Jon decided that he didn't want to change his friend Karyn, but that she couldn't be trusted with the stone. Carefully wording his wish, Jon said "I wish that Karyn would forget all about the stone I showed her today and its powers. I wish that her blond hair was blond because she decided to dye it and that her breasts had grown naturally in a growth spurt and that she didn't think it really odd."

Jon sighed in relief. With Karyn no longer remembering the stone, she wouldn't be able to botch it again. However, Jon still wanted to share it with someone. Thinking about who would be a good person to share it with, Jon realized that the stone could choose the best possible person for him. Excitedly, Jon clutched the stone and said "I wish that one to four people, that I do like or will like and who do like or will like me and who also have the natural level of responsibility needed to use this stone wisely, would materialize in my room in next minute and while they won't know how they got here, they won't question it. I wish that this person or people would fully believe me when I tell them about the wishing stone."

With that, Jon sat on his bed and waited. He didn't have to wait long, though, as only a minute later someone began to appear. At first, it was hard to tell if it was just one person or four, but after the materialization was complete, Jon clearly saw who was standing in his bedroom. It was ...

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