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43. Who has it easier: Jon heads t

42. Who has it easier: Before Scho

41. Who has it easier: waking slow

40. Who has it easier: Dressing fo

39. Who has it easier: Preparing

38. Who has it easier: Jon's Eveni

37. Who has it easier: Date?

36. Who has it easier: Shopping

35. Who has it easier: Lunch

34. Who has it easier: Maths

33. Who has it easier: Jon's morni

32. Who has it easier: Before scho

31. Who has it easier: Karyn's mor

30. Who has it easier: Bed

29. Who has it easier: Phone call

28. Who has it easier: After dinne

27. Who has it easier: Distracted

26. Who has it easier: Homework

25. Who has it easier: Meeting Up

24. Who has it easier: The end of

Who has it easier: Jon heads to school

on 2022-05-16 06:23:18

683 hits, 78 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon had soon gotten over his grogginess and now remembered everything that had happened lately. He had accepted it, knowing there was nothing he could do to change things, so better to just play along. He hoped this might be his last day having to go to school as a girl, then he would just have to survive the weekend and hopefully he'd have his own life back soon.

With his acceptance of his current circumstances Jon had started to get dressed to face the world. He was standing in Karyn's room wearing a pair of black panties, looking for the matching bra. He remembered Karyn's mom mentioned leaving clean bras for him and so he went to look through the laundry basket she had left on the floor beside the wardrobe. As he bent over to look through the pile he happened to glance up at the mirror on the door and was treated to a topless Karyn bending at the waist, her large breasts hanging down and looking bigger than ever. He stared for a few moments before the sound of his phone vibrating snapped him back to the task at hand. He read the text with dread. Karyn was reminding him about the Sports morning that they had to take part in. She told him to wear a sports bra and her exercise gear which was in her dresser. Jon found the items she was taking about. He pulled the sports bra over his head and down over his imaginary breasts. He checked his reflection quickly to make sure it looked OK. It was on right and made Karyn's boobs look a bit smaller but not much. Next he pulled out a light blue t shirt and put that on. Finally he pulled on a pair of athletic shorts. He had similar shorts to these himself but the cut was quite different. They showed off a lot more of his legs and they were a lot tighter. They clung tightly to his butt and his junk. Looking again at his reflection he thought they looked fine. Karyn's butt looked amazing and her smooth crotch sat perfectly in the front. Jon couldn't wait to get back to normal, he felt so exposed dressed like this. He certainly had a better understanding for how girls felt all the time now.

Looking at the clock, Jon saw he was running a bit late so he quickly headed downstairs and grabbed some fruit before heading out to school.

Jon arrived at school a little bit late. Karyn wasn't at the usual spot, having gone ahead of him. Jon quickly put his bag in his locker and headed out to the playing fields. He saw Karyn standing with a bunch of his male friends on one section and all the girls he recognised at the other side. He'd have loved to go to the guys side but he knew his current place and seeing some of the girls greeting him and waving him over he joined them.

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