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2. Old Beta is back up, and will

1. The Forum

Old Beta is back up, and will be repurposed

on 2015-01-13 20:52:39

872 hits, 2 views, 0 upvotes.

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I will probably return this to its previous state as a experimental site and strip out the FB beta info as we move along towards a more supported beta.

I will of course offer my assistance on any new projects. This was pushed aside due to a new job which put me in a ridiculous positions for a few months, and now that I am able to spend a little time on it I may try and make it into something decent, but separate from the FBBeta sites which may come in the future.

The newest deployment of the beta will not be pulled down and will stay up in some form or another indefinitely, so feel free to continue now from where you were. I am planning on setting aside a savings fund to give the site a nice buffer so I don't have to juggle it with other things I have to pay for.


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